  • 期刊


A Correlation Study of Social Functioning and Recovery on Community Mental Health Patients: Examples of Community Mental Health Centers and Halfway Houses


本研究以使用社區精神復健服務的個案為對象,探討社會功能與其精神復元的相關性。資料蒐集方式為量化問卷調查,樣本來源來自台灣各地共13家社區復健中心與13家康復之家,共訪問310位的社區慢性精神病患。社會功能量表使用宋麗玉(2001)發展的社區精神病患社會功能量表。精神復元指標包括精神病人主觀的精神復元評估,以及工作人員的客觀評估;前者採用Corrigan, Giffort, Rashid, Leary 與Okeke(1999)發展的精神復元自評表,後者使用簡明精神病評定量表(Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, BPRS)。本研究亦納入病人的基本資料及疾病史等變項。在資料分析方面以多元階層迴歸分析為主。資料分析結果顯示精神病人的社會功能表現愈好,其主觀精神復元程度愈佳,其精神症狀穩度較高。社會功能與五個主觀精神復元次向度-目標與成功取向、信心與希望、求助意願、自助以及不受症狀影響皆達顯著相關。機構類型(社區復健中心或康復之家)與病人之精神復元程度並未發現顯著差異。本文亦討論其它相關影響精神復元因素。


社會功能 精神復健 復元


This study aims to investigate the relationship between social functioning and recovery from mental illness, using persons with mental illness as target. This study employed a cross-sectional survey design using a convenience sample of 310 mental health consumers who were members in community mental health agencies (the rehabilitation centers or the half-way houses) in Taiwan and 26 practitioners who were familiar with these participated consumers. Social functioning was measured using an adapted Chinese version of the Social Functioning Scale (SFS), which is developed by Song (2001). Subjective recovery from mental illness was assessed through the adapted Chinese version of the Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS), which was developed by Corrigan et al. in 1999. Objective recovery from mental illness was assessed through the adapted Chinese version of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. A series of hierarchical multiple-regression models were used.There were the significant association between social functioning and subjective recovery from mental illness. Persons with mental illness having higher level of social functioning were more likely to have better level of subjective recovery from mental illness. In addition, there were significant association between social functioning and five sub-dimensions of subjective recovery: goal and success orientation, personal confidence and hope, willingness to ask for help, self-help, and not dominated by symptoms. The correlation between the agency type (community mental health centers and half-way houses) and the level of recovery from mental illness was not found in this study. Factors related to the level of recovery from mental illness are also discussed in the study.


活力滿分社區復健中心(2010)。〈服務項目〉。上網日期:2010 年12 月20 日,取自活力滿分社區復健中心網頁http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!OeZEMjuCAw6VJXzLuqQ-/
高雄市立凱旋醫院(2010)。〈服務項目〉。上網日期:2010 年12 月20 日,取自凱旋醫院社區復健中心網頁http://www.uho.com.tw/web.asp?id=18270&m=2
健保局(2010a)。〈醫管統計資料〉。上網日期:2010 年1 月3 日,取自行政院衛生署健保局網頁http://www.nhi.gov.tw/webdata/webdata.asp?menu=1&menu_id=4&webdata_id=805
健保局(2010b)。〈全民健康保險重大傷病證明實際有效領證統計表〉。上網日期:2010 年10 月3 日,取自行政院衛生署健保局網頁http://www.nhi.gov.tw/webdata/webdata.asp?menu=1&menu_id=4&webdata_id=805&WD_ID=4


