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Divergent Familialism? Public Attitudes towards Childcare and Eldercare in Taiwan




Familialism is/was deeply embedded in East Asian welfare states. However, East Asian welfare states are transforming. On the one hand, family policies are expanding to help people reach a work-life balance due to socio-demographic transformations. On the other hand, the responsibility of welfare provision has been gradually shifted to non-state sectors; therefore, the idea of welfare pluralism is emerging. However, the transformation of the welfare state needs to be underpinned on the micro-foundation of the demand side, which is public opinion. Thus, this study will examine public attitudes towards childcare and eldercare services in Taiwan by analyzing the 2012 Taiwanese Social Change Survey. While our multi-nominal logistic regression models show that childcare is based on intergenerational solidarity, self-interest is more important in explaining attitudes towards eldercare policy. We conclude that despite familialism remaining significant in explaining public attitudes towards childcare and eldercare in Taiwan, divergent familialism can be found in different social policy areas in Taiwan.


familialism childcare eldercare welfare attitudes


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