  • 期刊


Key Success Factors on Library Moving in Taiwan's Universities and Colleges



知識管理的發展使圖書館的服務多元化,加以近年國內大專校院設立或改制頗多,其圖書館服務亦需擴大或強化,使圖書館遷館工作(Library moving)成為管理的重點。管理不當,輕則反覆排架造成資源浪費,重者造成圖書資源的毀損,對圖書館經營是一項重大的挑戰;然國內外相關之研究卻甚少。本研究問卷調查台灣地區162所大專校院圖書館,將理序自文獻的遷館工作內涵,色括遷館作業構面與遷館成效評量構面,採Likert五點量表供館務主管表述其經驗或觀點,並以統計軟體SPSS檢證與分析,探討遷館的關鍵成功因素。研究結果顯示,遷館工作之成效評量首重遷館時程、排架誤差,次為搬遷人力、搬遷經費與突發狀況等控制。館員認為影響遷館工作之最重要的五個作業依序為人力規劃、館藏規劃、搬遷方式規劃、空間排架準備、時程規劃。若以遷館工作的規劃作業、前置作業、執行作業與全員參與作業等四個作業構面而言,則以規劃作業最重要,是成功的關鍵。另,影響館員對遷館工作認知之差異來源為圖書館相關工作年資與公私立校院別。


Academic libraries have been speeding up and extending their services on faculties and students through the development of knowledge management. This has made library moving an unavoidable mammoth task and requiring a systematic approach. The key success factor (KSF) for library moving should be emphasized, but few academic studies in the literature address this issue. This research puzzles out some critical activities and key criteria on successful library moving, and conducts a questionnaire on 162 university and college libraries in Taiwan. Librarian heads are asked to fill in their background information and moving experience on the questionnaire. Their comments on moving activities and successful moving, where having experienced or not experienced such a project, are made by a five-point Likert's scale. Collected data will be processed by SPSS in order to identify KSFs. This study indicates that the key criteria for successful library moving, in order, are schedule control, book shelving control, manpower control, cost control, and emergency control. The critical moving activities are responsibility matrix making, inventory checking/future collecting, outsourcing, scheduling in the planning phase, and bookshelf preparing in the preparing phase. Furthermore, a librarian's professional working years and whether the university or college is supported by the government or by a board of trustees will indeed influence the importance ranking on moving activities.


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