  • 期刊


Non-specific Clinical Presentation of Multiple Myeloma: A Case Report




Commonly seen in elderly people with clinical features of osteolytic bone lesions, renal impairment and anemia, multiply myeloma is a neoplastic disorder characterized by proliferation of a single clone of plasma cells derived from B cells. In addition to causing bone pain that drastically impairs patients' quality of life, it also predisposes them to pathological fracture, renal failure, infection, and subsequent mortality. Advances in multiple myeloma therapy during the past two decades have markedly reduced the associated complications and mortality as well as improved the patients' quality of life. However, non-specific symptoms and signs of multiple myeloma, which are similar to the common physical complaints of the elderly, often result in delayed diagnosis adversely affecting clinical outcome. The study reports an 83-year-old man presenting with bone pain, mild anemia and renal function impairment followed by impaired consciousness and activities of daily living. The cause of hypercalcemia, which was later noted, was extensively investigated. After excluding the possibilities of hyperparathyroidism and other malignancies, the diagnosis of multiple myeloma was confirmed by bone marrow biopsy. This case highlights the importance of early awareness of the diagnosis in primary care for timely treatment.


comorbidity delay elderly multiple myeloma


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