  • 期刊


Valuable Efforts in Collecting, Checking and Punctuating AII the Odes (Fu) in Tang Dynasty: A Critical Review on "The Complete Tang Odes (Quan Tangfu)"




It took six years of hard work to editing and proofreading ”The Complete Tang Odes (Quan Tangfu)” collects 1714 Odes of Tang and the Five Dynasties of 535 authors. With rich and complete literatures, accurate proofreading, careful emendation, discreet selection, comprehensive styles and standard index, The Complete Tang Odes is one of the best compilations of basic ancient literatures in Taiwan. The books are supposed to be the basic literature for study of Tang odes in a long time in the future. This paper, with a focus on the following five perspectives: the establishment of the program and the working bibliography of the odes, the emendation, the distinguishing, the brief biography of the authors and their order, and the index of ”The Complete Tang Odes”, provides overall analysis and critics on the compilation of this book, and listed several points for discussion on detailed items. The author also affiliated ”A Textual Research on Contents of Tray Fragments and Lost Tang Odes” with a focus on contents of tray fragments and lost odes as codicils to the book.


