  • 期刊

The Effects on Intraocular Pressure with Intravitreal Injection of Cyclodestructive Gentamicin in Dogs with Persistent Glaucoma



青光眼是造成動物失明常見原因之一,造成失明主要原因是眼內壓(IOP)上升而引發不可逆的視網膜細胞死亡,動物因為眼壓上升也會有疼痛不適的表現。本研究的主旨為評估治療末期青光眼對外科手術方式以玻璃體內注射睫狀體毒性藥物的降低眼內壓之效用。分析2000至2002年間在國立台灣大學生農學院附設動物醫院12隻患有末期持續性青光眼的失明狗,於眼後房玻璃體內注射睫狀體毒性藥物之方式治療以改善其高眼內壓之狀況。所有犬均接受眼科裂隙燈及直接、間接檢眼鏡作詳細的手術前及手術後眼科檢查。每次手術前以及手術後的檢查都會使用電子式眼壓筆(electronic applanation tomometer, Tonopen®XL)測量眼內壓,以了解眼內壓之變化。手術步驟包括先抽出1毫升眼內之液化玻璃體或眼房液,再自鞏膜向玻璃體內注射健大黴素25毫克及消炎劑dexamethasone 1毫克。眼內壓在手術後一個月內的87.5%病例眼睛(14/16)有明顯的下降,而在較長追蹤八個月時期,則有73%(8/11)之手術眼有改善眼內壓或症狀。16個青光眼術前平均眼內壓扁54.2毫米汞柱(mmHg),範圍介於40.6至90毫米汞柱;術後平均眼內壓扁19.4毫米汞柱,範圍介於9.5至60.5毫米汞柱,手術前與手術後眼內壓具統計學上顯著之差異。依據此小規模之臨床病例研究結果,顯示於眼後房玻璃體內注射睫狀體毒性藥物。對超過七成患有犬頑固性高眼壓之患眼有治療之反應。


Glaucoma is a common blinding disorder in animals due to raised intraocular pressure (IOP). The objective in this study was to evaluate the surgical outcome for treatment of end-stage glaucoma by intravitreal injection of cyclodestructive gentamicin. Sixteen eyes of twelve dogs at the National Taiwan University Veterinary Hospital (NTUVH) from 2000 to 2002 diagnosed as persistent end-stage glaucoma were included in this study. Ophthalmic examination was performed by slit-lamp biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy. IOP was measured in every pre-operative and post-operative follow- up examination using an electronic applanation tomometer (Tonopen®XL). Surgical procedures included intravitreal injections of gentamicin 25 mg followed by dexamethasone 1 mg. The IOP was reduced in 87.5% of operated eyes (14/16 eyes) within a month postoperatively and 73% (8/11) of treated cases in a longer follow-up up to 8 months. Pre-operative mean IOP of 16 eyes was 54.2 mmHg (range from 40.6 to 90 mmHg) and post-operative mean IOP was 19.4 mmHg (range from 9.5 to 60.5 mmHg). Based on this small-scaled study, the intravitreal injection of gentamicin is effective in more than 70% of treated cases with persistent end-stage glaucoma.


Cyclodestructive Dog Gentamicin Glaucoma lntravitreal injection IOP


