  • 期刊


Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Stimulation Can Promote Schwann Cells Growth


許旺氏細胞(Schwann cells)在周邊神經系統中包圍神經軸突形成髓鞘,與動作電位傳導有關。已有許多研究證實移植Schwann cells至受損的大鼠脊髓可幫助神經軸突再生。相關報告中業已證明,電磁場刺激可以促進培養中的神經元發育,並影響神經軸突生長的方向性與生長速度。本實驗使用Sprague-Dawley品種大鼠仔鼠的坐骨神經純化Schwann cells,經過10至14天的逐步純化後,最終可得到純度93.55±1.97%的Schwann cells。在脈衝電磁場刺激的實驗方面,將已純化之Schwann cells以25 gauss/6 Hz的脈衝電磁場連續刺激48小時,可使其分裂速度達到控制組之1.75倍,且其具有較長分支的細胞形態,在電磁場刺激組與控制組分別佔55.58±6.18%與25.00±許3.39%,二者具顯著差異(P<0.05),表示該環境有利於Schwann cells的生長。


The capability of forming myelin around axons possessed by Schwann cells is associated with the conductance of action potential in the PNS. Recent studies suggest that transplantation of Schwann cells can help axonal regeneration in the injured spinal cord of the rats. Also, electromagnetic fields stimulation can increase neurite outgrowth and promote the development of cultured neurons. In this study, we demonstrated the method using the explants from SD rat sciatic nerves for the purification of Schwann cells, the finial purity of Schwann cells being 93.55 (1.97%. In vitro, after stimulation of PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic fields, 25 Gauss/60 Hz) for 48 hours the cell division rate of Schwann cells was increased up to 1.75 fold of control group. The mean percentages of cells having longer processes in the PEMF and control groups were 55.58±6.18% and 25.00±3.39%, respectively. There was a significant difference between them (P<0.05). It meant that the environment with PEMF stimulation was beneficial to the growth of Schwann cells.
