  • 期刊

Case Report: Pyogranulomatous Aspergillosis in an Endemic Formosan Blue Magpie (Urocissa caerulea)



台灣藍鵲(Formosan blue magpie, Urocissa caerulea)為國內特有生物之一。本病例為一隻約二至三歲齡雌性台灣藍鵲,死亡前數天出現呼吸困難及喘息等臨床症狀,肉眼病變可見多發性黃色乾酪樣病灶佈滿肺臟和氣囊。鏡檢可見肺和氣囊多發性肉芽腫,伴隨黃麵菌絲。Periodic acid of Schiff、Grocott's methenamine silver nitrate以及抗黃麴菌抗體之免疫化學染色可見病灶處有許多分支及分節之黃麵菌絲,以Sabouraud dextrose agar可培養出典型之Aspergillus fumigatus菌落。台灣藍鵲尚未見有如本病例之化膿性肉芽腫之麴菌症。


Formosan Blue Magpie (FBM; Urocissa caerulea) is one of the endemic wildlife in Taiwan. A female FBM bird, 2-3 year-old, was found died of respiratory difficulty. Grossly, multifocal caseous nodules were obviously found in the lung and air sac. Microscopically, multifocal pyogranulomas were noted with fungal hyphaes existence in the lesions. Histochemical staining of affected lungs and air sacs was stained with periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and Grocott methenamine silver nitrate (GMS), and immunohistochemical staining was performed using the antibody against Aspergillus spp. The staining revealed numerous dichotomously branched and septated fungal hyphaes in necrotic areas of the tertiary bronchi of the lungs. Aspergillus fumigatus was successfully cultivated on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA). The animal was diagnosed with aspergillosis infection, which is the first report of aspergillosis in endemic bird of FBM in Taiwan.
