

病畜為一隻八歲雄性混種犬,就診前出現喘氣,嘔吐及厭食等症狀。血液學檢查呈現貧血,白血球數量顯著增高(59, 200/L),血清生化學檢查其鹼磷酶(ALKP)、氨基丙酸轉氨酶(ALT),天門冬酸轉氨酶(AST)與總膽紅素(T-blil)略高。X光學檢查發現胸腔近氣管分叉處具高X光不穿透性之團塊。生檢結果疑似淋巴瘤。剖檢發現位於縱膈處有數個團塊,並有壓迫肺臟之情形;肝臟、脾臟及膽囊腫大。顯微病變,其腫瘤細胞呈圓形或橢圓形,核質比大,核大小與形態不一,少量有絲分裂細胞,且腫瘤細胞侵入肺臟組織。肺臟肺泡中膈纖維化,肺泡內有纖維素物質沉積;肝臟呈現瀰漫性肝細胞急性腫脹,空泡化變性,膽汁色素蓄積,膽管增生。腫瘤團塊經免疫組織化學染色,多數腫瘤細胞呈現CD20陽性。根據胸腔腫瘤的組織病理特徵性變化,診斷為縱膈型B細胞淋巴瘤。


淋巴瘤 B細胞 縱膈型


An 8-year-old male mixed dog was referred to the National Chiayi University Veterinary Hospital with a 10-day history of panting, vomiting and anorexia. Blood and serum examinations revealed anemia, dramatically leukocytosis (59, 200/μL), and slightly increased activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALKP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), asparatate aminotransferase (AST) and total bilirubin (T-Bili). Thoracic radiograph showed a radiopaque image appeared around the hilus. Lymphoma was suspected through biopsy examination. At postmortem examination, numerous masses along the mediastinum, and the enlargement of liver and gallbladder were noted. Histopathologically, round or oval tumor cells with high nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio and variable size and morphology of nuclei were observed in the tumor tissue, and the infiltration of tumor cells into lung tissue was also observed. Fibrosis of alveolar septa and fibrinous accumulation within the alveolar lumens were also noted at the histological section of the lung. Diffuse, acute swelling and vacuolar change of the hepatocytes, and the accumulation of bile pigments and the hyperplasia of bile duct were also observed. The majority of tumor cells expressed B-cell phenotype as demonstrated by its immunoreactivity with anitcanine CD20 antibody. Based on the histopathological characteristics of the thoracic tumor, mediastinal B cell lymphoma is diagnosed in this dog.


Canine Lymphoma B cell Mediastinal
