

2010年4月份於雲林再度爆發羊痘疫情,自4月9日至7月26日全國共12縣市發生,總計462場發生疫情,發生率15% (462/3,186),撲殺率9.6% (21,295/220,000)。臺南縣家畜疾病防治所(以下簡稱本所)於同年4月25日接獲臺南縣(以下簡稱本縣)第一例通報,截至7月26日止共計發生場數為103場,發生率27% (103/369),感染羊隻皮膚呈現紅斑、丘疹且有大量鼻分泌物及咳嗽等呼吸症狀出現。剖檢時口鼻處可見丘疹,鼻腔黏膜及氣管可見灰白或紅色痘瘡,肺臟可見多發灰白色痘瘡病灶。經本所綜合臨床症狀、病理學檢查、PCR反應、核酸定序及電子顯微鏡結果,診斷為羊痘。經定序結果發現疫苗免疫前後所分離之羊痘病毒並未發生變異,且核酸序列與疫苗株有3.6%差異性。本報告顯示此次羊痘疫情的擴散並非減疫苗所引起,應與疫苗施打的時機、場內羊痘病毒的潛伏有密切的關係。未來若規劃進行緊急防疫之疫苗注射,仍需具有完整之基礎資料與完善免疫策略,方可有效控制疫情並減少疫苗對羊隻的影響與損失。


羊痘 病理學 核酸序列分析


Goat pox (GP) was found recently again in Yulin county in April 2010. Outbreaks of 462 farms were recorded in 12 Counties from April 9 to July 26. The incidence rate was 15% (462/3,186) and the culling rate was 9.6% (21,295/220,000). Tainan Hsien Livestock Disease Control Center received the first case in Tainan county on April 25 2010. Until July 26, there were 103 infected farms and the incidence rate was 27% (103/369) Macular and papular skin lesions and excessive nasal discharge accompanied with coughing were observed in sick goats. Necropsy findings included papule lesions on the skin around the nostrils as well as pale and red nodular lesions on the mucosa of nasal cavity and trachea. Multiple pale nodular lesions were also found in the lung. The outbreak was diagnosed as goat pox on the basis of clinical signs, pathological examination, PCR assay, nucleotide sequencing and electron microscopy. Nucleotide sequencing showed that the GPV strains isolated before vaccination were identical to those of post-vaccination. There was a 3.6% nucleotide divergence between our strains and vaccine strain. This report indicated that the occurrence of goat pox was not directly caused by attenuated vaccine, which had close relationship between the vaccination time and virus incubation period. In the future, a more complete background information and vaccination policy is required to control the disease more effectively and to reduce the post-vaccination losses if emergency vaccination program is to be performed.


Goat pox pathology phylogenetic analysis
