  • 期刊

Digital Imaging Measurement of Hip Joint Range of Motion in Dogs





活動度 數位影像分析


Digital image analysis was applied to establish a simplified procedure in measuring canine hip range of motion (ROM). Factors affecting hip ROM were also investigated in healthy dogs. Forty-one healthy, 1 to 8 years old (median, 3.6 years), medium to large breed dogs without clinical or radiological orthopedic abnormalities were used in this study. Dogs were anesthetized and positioned in lateral recumbency. Ranges of hip flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal and external rotation were recorded with digital image and analyzed by one investigator. No significant differences were observed in age, gender, breed, and between right and left joints, except the abduction angles on the left were greater than the right. Body weight was significantly negatively correlated to abduction angles. Digital image analysis is simple and reliable in determining canine hip ROM angles. Because greater variability was noted in abduction angles, a proper manual force applied by the examiner during ROM measurement should be warranted.


hip range of motion ROM digital image analysis dogs
