  • 期刊




每個族群在順應其特有生活的環境裹不斷地孕育出其特有的語言文化來延續族群之命脈。克李斯拖(Crystal, 1999)曾明白地說出:『…最活絡的生態系統必是充斥著最豐富的多樣化。』基於此項論述,我們即可尋得『為什麼我們置身在一個多語言、多文化的多元社會?』的其中的一個答案,那就是沒有一種語言文化可以全然詮釋地球土任何另一語言文化的絕妙之處,這也就是語言多樣化存在的必要性。台灣得天獨厚的海洋包容性特質,接納了許多不同民族,融匯了許多語言文化,不同族群的文化不斷地交融、競爭和相互影響,使得整個社會涵蓋了更趨豐富且更為多采多姿的文化內涵。置身其中,所有的人就有義務成為語言終身學習者負起活化自己的族群文化,習得包容、尊重、欣賞並學習生活社區不同族群的語言與文化,這樣的社區總體營造,人人才能分享社區是所有文化的美,各族群問方能和諧共融。 任何語言只要具有溝通的功能、有溝通的對象,就一定有學習者去學它。這就是生活在多語言環境的人們能夠自然擁有多語言能力的主因。社區多語言教室是基於『生活社區各族群都有自己優美的語言文化、典雅的人格特質、你儂我儂大家一家親』的概念構想之下成立的學習組織,以多元文化主義精粹:『各美其美、美人之美及每美與共』為宗旨:更以多語主義的精粹。『生活多語化、人人皆吾師、族/英語好幫手』為目標。多語言教室教學與學習過程中,其原則是語言教師如何苦營造讓學習者有『用』語言的環境及機會,使其認為語言是生存的能力之一;採用的方法是『創造使用』多語的樂園,學習者依其能力與程度,在他們自己最感興趣的世界裡『使用』該領域的語言,所有其他人的即成為『協助者或推動者』的角色。因此,多語言教室是具有方便又容易執行傳承社區多語言、多文化的功能,它讓多元語言文化的台灣展現出族群適切競爭的美感,彼此間相互依存、尊重、平等、包容。多語言教室所培育的多語言能力者必能具備下列兩項信念來因應二卡一世紀多元多樣化的知識年代:1)與同族群的人我會驕傲的用族語對話溝通,找到自己,2)與不同族群的人我必須謙卑的用他們的話向他們學習、豐碩彼此的文化。




The language, culture and history of the one tribe are the results of earlier generations' struggle for survival. For a people to survive, therefore, it must express it own racial life force; this expression is the culture, the confidence and the pride of ltd people. As Crystal (1999) notes, diversity occupies a central place in evolutionary theory because it enables a species to survive in different environments: 'The strongest ecosystems are those which are most diverse.' It is consequently believed that the need to maintain linguistic diversity stands on the shoulders of such arguments. Taiwan is essentially an immigrant, multiethnic and multilingual society with four major ethnic groups: the latest immigrants/Honourable citizens, Hoklo speakers, the Hakka people, and aboriginals the Austronesians, and linguistic and cultural diversity here can be seen as a valuable asset to be developed to the benefit of the population as a whole. As a consequence, a growing understanding of three important Rs responsibility, respect and reciprocity is one of great efforts that all the inhabitants living on the island have to make. The future of any language is in the mouths and hands of the speakers themselves and there is a language while there are functions of it. What I meant is that the teaching and learning in multilingual classrooms taking into account the atmosphere of greater tolerance towards diversity requires all members of a community to cooperate in ensuring a place for community languages both in the home and the wider community In other words, in a multilingual and multi-racial society, everyone should be proud to communicate within their group in their own native language, and be prepared to learn other languages in communicating with other different groups. Diversity is a source not a problem. Multiculturalism means 『各美其美、美人之美及每美與共』 in Chinese. It is said that each tribe in the multiracial society must exert all the strength cultivate or activate each own language and culture, peoples ought to appreciate the significant beauty of other tribes, and the magnificence of each language and culture should be shared with others. Multilingualism means acquiring languages from daily routines with the help of peers classmates, community figures as well as other family members in addition to parents and sibling by transferring what we learn in ethnic languages and English. 『生活多語化、人人皆吾師、族/英語好幫手』
