  • 期刊


An Exploration on the Relationship between Aboriginal Movement and Aboriginal Educational Policy in Taiwan


長久以來,台灣原住民被歸類爲「少數民族」與「弱勢族群」。由歷史的角度觀之,台灣本是原住民之原鄉,然而,先後面臨荷蘭、西班牙、鄭成功、清朝、日本到國民政府等近四世紀之殖民時期,伴隨遭受政治、軍事、社會、文化甚至教育方式之威脅、統治與同化,促使族群部落面臨崩解、文化相繼失傳,以及爲求生存,移至都市之原住民泰半從事勞動階層工作,其子女之學校教育面臨生活適應困難,並衍生出許多教育問題。恰巧適逢社會變遷、世界倡導人權思潮與原住民本身自覺,原住民運動團體相繼成立,其抗爭訴求乃在於追求族群應享有的權利與應受動的尊重,而抗爭活動也頗有相當成果。 本文聚焦於該運動對原住民教育政策之影響。原住民運動凸顯該族群之教育問題,而欲解決這些教育問題則需不斷檢視、評估與再檢視。也因此,近年來,政府對於弱勢族群的教育、師資培育、生活品質愈益重視,制訂多項教育政策、頒布不少相關的立法規定,可知政府積極重視原住民的族群關係、文化傳承與教育問題。 本文以文獻分析法探討台灣原住民運動及其原住民教育政策之關係。首先,瞭解台灣原住民運動之興起與發展過程:其次,說明台灣原住民運動與教育政策之關係;最後,則嘗試歸納前面的討論並提出結論。故此,今後政府對原住民的教育政策,應整體檢討與改善其行政措施、課程與教學、師資培育、人才培植、社會教育等各方面,讓原住民學生達到教育機會均等與社會正義之理想,爲該民族帶來新的展望與契機。


Taiwan's aboriginals are treated as the minority group and weak ethnicity. Historically, Taiwan is originally the motherland of the aboriginal. However, it have sequentially faced nearly four centurial colonial periods from Holland Spain, Jheng Cheng-gong Ching Dynasty Japan to The KMT Government. It goes along with suffering from the threatening, controlling and assimilating of politics, military society, culture and even education. For this reason, the tribes confront collapsing, and the culture is losing; for surviving, the aboriginal people moving to the urban area mostly do the labor work, and their children have being face with the adapting difficult of school life and, therefore, evolve many educational problems. It happens to the variety of society the advocating of human rights around the world, and the awakening of the aborigines themselves, the aboriginal movements and groups established one by one. Their resistance mainly seeks out the ethnic deserved rights and respects. The activities fruitfully result quite well, too. This article focuses on the effect of the ethnic movement to aboriginal educational policy. The aboriginal movements point out the problems of education to the ethnic group. In order to solve these educational problems, the aboriginal educational policy need to be constantly viewed, evaluated and reviewed. Recently years, Taiwan's government starts to put emphasis on the education and teacher training of the minority groups as well as improving the quality of their life. Many an educational policies and acts related to the aboriginal were made because Taiwan's government now deems the relationships with aboriginal groups, culture spread and education programs as an important issue. This article applies literature analysis to probe on the Relationship between Aboriginal Movement and Aboriginal Educational Policy in Taiwan. First of all, we have to realize the process of the rise and development of aboriginal movements in Taiwan. Secondly, we are supposed to explain the relationship between the Taiwan aboriginal movements and educational policies. At last, we tend to sum up the former discussions and provide the final conclusion. Therefore, in the future, as for the educational policies to the aborigine, the government should entirely review and improve their perspectives in administrational measures, the course and teaching, the cultivation of high quality teacher, the training to the talents and social education. These would make aboriginal students obtain the equal chance of education and the implementation of the ideal of social justice Thus they could also bring the new forecast and turning point.


