  • 期刊

台灣原住民排灣族行路 文化研究

Study on Ways Culture of Taiwan Aboriginal Paiwan Tribe


排灣族的生活領域大部分在海拔500~1500公尺的山地,對於生存的需求與傳統文化之建立與傳承而必須要開闢一些對外的的聯繫管道,我們看到原住民部落傳統的生活領域裡,對外界的聯絡與生計的維持都依靠自己價值觀與經驗,篳路藍縷開闢出自己部落的路(tjalan),用現代的名詞我們稱爲「行路」(tjalan)。產業的發展必須依賴交通,開發山地必須先振興產業,使山胞生活安定。山區出現一條條寬闊平坦、安全穩固的道路,讓行路的人們行走其間,是既迅速又安定。但是開路之中卻忽略了我們對於人文歷史的記憶已在便利與舒坦之中悄悄的離我們遠去,甚至在機械的隆隆咆嘯中默默的承受著被掩埋的失落。 本文主要以探討台灣原住民排灣族行路(tjalan)的基本概念中,對於行路的形成、行路與人的關係、行路(tjalan)在生活上的衍,意涵逐一探究,最後在部落遷村或因爲道路發展之後,建立行路的概念變遷的軌跡。運用文化研究中最常用的深入訪談、參與觀察等方式,目的梳理出行路文化(tjalan)形成之原因、行路與人和社會文化之關係,行路在族人之有形與無形的概念,重塑傳統時期、日治時代、國民政府時代到現代之部落行路文化變遷過程,並以此追獵漸漸消失的排灣族語和祖先傳統的經驗智慧,喚起族人對於自身文化的認同,學習珍惜勤儉、刻苦耐勞的精神。


原住民 排灣族 行路文化


The living area of Paiwan Tribe is most limited in the mountains area at an altitude of from 500 to 1500 meters. The needs for living and the foundation and inheriting of traditional culture have to open some contact way to the outside. We can see that in the traditional living area of aboriginal tribe, the contact with the outside and maintenance of living arc both relying on their idea of value and experience. They gradually built the ways (tjalan) of their tribe which we call it ways (tjalan) between communes in modern words. The development of industry has to rely on the transportation. The development of mountain areas has to develop industries at first and to make aboriginal live in the wellbeing. There appear many flat and wide roads on the mountain areas which is safe & solid and let people walk on, then people move fast and safe. However, with the building of roads, our memory about remains of aboriginal tribe and its history is stealthily flowing away in the convenience and comfortableness, even we silently feel lost in the burying of machinery's loud noise. This essay is mainly focused on the study of basic conception of ways (tjalan) in Taiwan aboriginal Paiwan tribe. With the discussion of forming of ways between communes, the relationship between people and these ways and deriving meaning of these ways in the life, I try to draw the trace of changing conception of ways between communes after finally discussion on tribe's emigration to villages or on development of modern roads. I adopt the popular way of culture study, such as deep interview, participating observation and so on, to understand the reasons of ways culture's forming the relationship between ways, people and social culture, and the material and immaterial conception of ways in the Paiwan tribe. I trace the changing process of Paiwan tribe's ways culture in traditional times, colonial times of Japan's occupy, the times of the Kuo Min Tang (KMT) government's occupy and modern times. Through this, I want to pursue the disappearing language of Paiwan tribe and our ancestors' traditional experience and wisdom to call on Paiwan tribe's self-identity to his culture and to learn the spirit of hardworking, austerity and cherishment.


aboriginal Paiwan tribe ways culture
