  • 期刊


Characteristics of Psychiatric Outpatients for Medical Treatment-An Example of a Psychiatric Hospital in TaichungCity




In recent years, the prevalence of mental illness caused worldwide concern, and mental illness had been enrolled by WHO as one of seriously-threatening diseases to humankind in the twenty-first century and then followingly, psychiatry-related issues had become a study focus. This study performed a retrospective exploration of the data about opulation characteristics, characteristics of hospital visits (according to major diagnosis) and medical treatment utilization of a newly-established psychiatric hospital, to analyze the data associated with medical treatment since the launch of the psychiatric hospital, by the way, as the reference of its administration strategy and the establishment of the other psychiatric hospitals. This research take the sample cases of that hospital from 2006 to 2011, including 38296 OPD cases, with the major diagnosis of schizophrenia (ICD 295), affective psychotic disorders (ICD 296) and neurotic disorders (ICD 300) to obtain the patients National Health Insurance applying data for statistical variance analysis. As the study results, in the OPD cases, there's growth trend year by year in the number from 2006 to 2011, with female, 19-64 year-of-age and affective psychotic dominance, furthermore, there's significantstatistic difference between population characteristics and characteristics of hospital visits, between medication days and age, and between medication days and diagnosis, however, there's no significantstatistic difference, between age and the number of OPD visits. In conclusion, the statistic results of that hospital data demonstrate similarity with the results of relative studies in variance analysis between population characteristics and medical treatment utilization, in addition, it's obviously different about the statistic results of characteristics of hospital visits between the above-mentioned hospital data and the Ministry of Health and Welfare 2011 health statistics, which had the dominance of neurotic disorders; by the reasons, characteristics of hospital visits would be somewhat related with medical institution location and administrative pattern. It's highly recommended, in the future medical policy, that tendency of characteristics of psychiatric hospital visits should be emphasized, in order to provideregional appropriate mental health projects.


