  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Using Music Therapy for an Anxiety Patient with End Stage of Lupus Erythematosus




焦慮 紅斑性狼瘡 音樂治療


This paper describes the nursing experience of using music therapy for an anxiety patient with end stage of lupus erythematosus. The patient had shown an anxiety problem resulting in threat of illness deterioration and of death while she was in the intensive care unit. Consequently, she rejected the treatment and had agitated and restless behaviors. During the nursing care period, the author used sympathy, trust relationship, and comfort care in the nursing process. The needed information was provided to relieve the patient’s discomfort and to increase her self-control during treatment courses. Likewise, music therapy was applied to help the patient transit temporarily far away from pain, anxiety and restless. During the music therapy period, the patient expressed her real anxiety of facing death. Hence, the patient's holistic needs were fulfilled. This article might serve as a reference for clinical nursing staff to understand patient's anxiety and to use music therapy in critical care.


anxiety lupus erythematosus music therapy
