  • 期刊


The Nursing Care Experience of Assisting a Woman who had Cervical Cancer Treated with Surgery to Rebuild "the Role of Mother and Wife"




This paper depicts the nursing care experience of assisting a 39-year-old four-month postpartum and breastfeeding woman, who faced radical hysterectomy and overcoming the consequences of breastfeeding interruption and the changes of sexual life. Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns were used as a guide to assess health problems of the client through in-person interviews, observations, and telephone interviews during the two-week period from October 7th to 22nd, 2010. Three health problems were identified chronologically: anxiety, interruption of breastfeeding, and changes of sexual life. The first author, the nurse practitioner of the client, had built up a good relationship with the client and her husband during the nursing care period. In addition to fulfilling the client's physical needs, the nurse practitioner initiated breast-milk donations for the client to continue breast-milk feeding during the entire surgical period and hospitalization. Further, to assist the client to adapt to an active sexual life after radical hysterectomy and rebuild her confidence of being a woman, the nurse practitioner provided mental support and educated the patient in skills to cope with the change in her sexual life during the outpatient department follow-up and telephone interviews. This nursing care experience could be a reference for nurses in providing care to similar cases.
