  • 期刊


Increasing Rate of Do Not Resuscitate Designation of Ventilator- Dependent Patients




With the hospice-palliative care policy proposed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, this project aimed to increase the rate of do not resuscitate (DNR) designation of ventilator-dependent patients. Patients could then receive the hospice-palliative care as early as possible and avoid futile medical treatments at the end of terminal care. In September 2014, a team was established to identify the problems, develop the improvement plans and evaluate the effectiveness of the project. Through conducting regular family meetings and palliative care counseling, implementing hospice alert in the physician order entry system, increasing use of education posters and leaflets of hospice-palliative care, applying and reviewing monthly care standards for hospice-shared care of ventilator-dependent patients, the rate of DNR designation of ventilator-dependent patients has been increased from 35.1% to 74.1%. The results of this project indicated that the rate of DNR designation could be increased by using health education tools, integrating alerts into the physician order entry system, initiating cross-team collaboration and establishing care standards for hospice-shared care.


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