  • 期刊


Team-Based Learning ~ A New Choice of Teaching Method in Nursing Education


小組教學法是教學的一種新趨勢。團隊導向學習(Team-based learning,簡稱TBL)是美國Larry Michaelsen教授在1970年後期所發展一種顛覆傳統的小組教學法,教學者改換成指導者,學習者由被動接受知識,改換成主動學習者。TBL將修課同學分成數個小組,透過課前準備、課前預習測驗及課程概念應用等步驟,對一特定知識內容充分了解及實際運用,以改善傳統課堂教學法中學習被動、學習投入度低、缺乏小組互動的思考及學習成效低。TBL不只可用在小班制教學,也可以用在人數眾多的大班教學中,其成效不只讓上課生動化,還能提高學習者的滿意度、學習投入、學習成效及自主學習。因此,近十年來開始廣泛使用在醫療相關的課室或臨床實習教育上,可提供護理教育一個新的選擇。


Team learning is a new approach to teaching. Team-based learning (TBL), an innovative style of team learning, was developed by American Professor Larry Michaelsen in late 1970 with the ideas for flipping the teacher into facilitator role and the passive learner into active learner role. In order to improve passive learning attitudes, lower learning engagement, lack of interaction between students and lower academic performance under traditional lecture-based learning, the students are divided into several groups in the TBL course and run through pre-class preparation, readiness assurance test and application of course concept for comprehensive understanding and practical application of specific knowledge. TBL is not only available for use in a small class, but can also be used in a large class. TBL can make the teaching become vivid, and can also improve learners' satisfaction, learning engagement, academic scores and self-directed learning as well. In this decade, TBL has been broadly used in health professional education both in class and in clinical practice. Consequently, TBL can be regarded as a new choice for nursing education.


Abdelkhalek, N., Hussein, A., Gibbs, T., & Hamdy, H. (2010). Using team-based learning to prepare medical students for future problem-based learning. Medical Teacher, 32(2), 123-129. doi:10.3109/ 0142159090 3548539
Cheng, S. F., Kuo, C. L., Lin, K. C., & Lee-Hsieh, J. (2010). Development and preliminary testing of self-rating instrument to measure self-directed learning ability of nursing students. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(9), 1152-1158. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2010.02.002
Cheng, C. Y., Liou, S. R., Hsu, T. H., Pan, M. Y., Liu, H. C., & Chang, C. H. (2014a). Preparing nursing students to be competent for future professional practice: Applying the team-based learning-teaching strategy. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(4), 347-356. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2013.11.005
Cheng, C. Y., Liou, S. R., Tsai, H. M., & Chang, C. H. (2014b). The effects of team-base learning on learning behaviors in the maternal-child nursing course. Nurse Education Today, 34(1), 25-30. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2013.03.013


