  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Hypopharyngeal Cancer Patient with Total Laryngectomy




The paper depicts the experience of caring for a hypopharyngeal carcinoma patient with total laryngectomy, who confronted changes of both appearance and communication method for permanent tracheostomy. From 5th to 20th of February, 2017, Gordon's 11 functional health patterns were employed to perform overall evaluation of the caring experience. After analysis and rearrangement of information, the health problems established were failure of clearance function of the respiratory tract, language barriers in communication, and body image disturbance. In the caring process, individualized caring measures were taken. Based on the real needs of the patient, he was given sputum suction, and taught effective coughing techniques to maintain airway patency. Before surgery, development of alternative methods and tools of communication were discussed with the patient. The patient was also provided with resources of speaking voice resumption, and introduced to support organizations of laryngectomees. All through the process, the patient was given support over his concerns, empathy was expressed, and his needs were listened to and understood. Special clothing was used to cover the tracheostomy. The patient was also guided to build up self-worth, and to take a positive attitude to adapt himself to the change of his physical appearance, reestablish self-confidence, and resume his normal life as soon as possible. The unit developed and implemented the standards for caring for total laryngectomy patients in the future to advance the quality of nursing care.


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