  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Patient with Initial Diagnosis of Oral Cancer Undergoing Extensive Resection




This case report explores a 50-year-old man with right-lateral-modified neck lymph node dissection and skin flap repair experience due to oral cancer. In the caring process, Gordon's 11-item functional health assessment tool was used. Based on results of the health assessment, the patient's health problems were identified as the following: acute pain, impaired oral mucous membrane, and body image disturbance. Postoperative pain was immediately relieved by a combination of Chinese and Western medicine, and an individual "oral rehabilitation plan" was applied to restore communication ability during hospitalization and guide the patient to express feelings about the change in physical appearance, while relevant support group and cross-domain medical team services input was sought to encourage the patient to accept the altered body image and reaffirm their self-worth, thereby allowing the patient to return to the family and integrate into social life as soon as possible. In sharing the experience of this patient, the unit hopes that this information of postoperative care of oral cancer flap patients could be developed and implemented in the future to also assist colleagues in developing such care plans and measures to allow patients to have better treatment after discharge to improve the quality of individual care.


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楊慶怡、林翠姬、林采蓉(2015).提升護理人員執行口腔癌皮瓣重建術後病人口腔照護之改善專案.高雄護理雜誌,32(1),30-40。doi: 10.6692/KJN-2015-32-1-4
涂淑玲、曾淑怡、林耀仁、相青琪、溫永頌、胡月娟(2017).口腔癌病人術後症狀困擾、照護需求及生活品質情形之探討.The Changhua Journal of Medicine,5(4),204-213。doi: 10.6501/C M.1504.004
