  • 期刊


An Action Inquiry of Utilizing Art Therapy in Hospice Care




The clients can project various thoughts and feelings through art creation process. Art can be used as an non-threatening tool to communicate with others. The clients may have improved self-esteem, decreased depressive mood and anxiety after being offered art therapy in hospice care. The research applied art therapy to the client under hospice care, and utilized action inquiry to explore ”the perceptions and behaviors presented when facing death” through art therapy process. Altogether five art therapy topics were developed: ”inside and outside of myself”, ”my feelings”, ”guided imagery”, ”life review” and ”words to my family”. Through analyzing the collected multiple data, the researcher found that there were the following categories. The client went through constructing relationships, magnificent lifetime, perceiving urgency and sublimating the distress. There were testing behaviors and reshaping past experience included in constructing relationships. Magnificent life time was reshaped with personal worth promoting, experiencing emotional expression, expecting a good role to be played, and managing physical symptoms converting from anxiety. When the client perceived the urgency of his lifetime, he hesitated in facing the urgency in the first place then got the unfinished business done to no regret. When the art therapy goal was achieved, there were correlative feelings and experiences of the hospice team members: to live in a more positive way of daily life, to improve feelings toward self, to increase holistic care, and to inspire creativity.


art therapy hospice care action inquiry


