  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Patient with Ovarian Hyperstuimulated Syndrome




This case study described the nursing experience in caring a woman who accepted of assisted reproductive technology and suffered from ovarian hyperstimulated syndrome (OHSS).The researcher worked as a primary nurse during the client's hospital stay and applied nursing process to collect the data by systematic observation and conversation. Gordon's (1987)11-item functional health pattern was utilized as the theoretical framework for nursing assessment to assess the client's health problems. By the nursing experience of caring, the researcher deeply realized a woman with OHSS faced the problems of physical and psychological aspects. The health problems of client found by the researcher were of ineffective breathing pattern, excess fluid volume, and anxiety. As a result of appropriate nursing intervention, through acting caring with sympathy in nursing process, the treatment relationship of trust was built between the researcher and the client. Furthermore, the complete nursing care plans were applied and opportunities of counselling were provided to decrease client's physical discomfort and psychological impact. Due to the treatment relationship of trust, the client was helped to face and solve her health problems. Meanwhile, the author focused on increasing effective communication between the client and her family. The family could consequently accompany her to undergo this disease. Finally, this nursing experience is presented as an example for the reference of future care in similar situation.
