  • 期刊


The Potency of the Islands' Delimitation in the Sea



近幾十年來,島嶼制度成為國際海洋法中一個長期爭議的問題,尤其是島嶼在海洋劃界中的效力這個問題更是國際社會普遍關注的焦點,因為是否考慮島嶼在海洋劃界中的效力對於最終確定相關國家間的海洋疆界(maritime boundary)會有重大的影響。1982年《聯合國海洋法公約》對島嶼在國際海洋劃界中的作用沒有做出規定。理論上,除了了解相關國際組織及會議對島嶼在海洋劃界效力的看法外。根據廣泛的國家實踐和國際司法判例,對海岸相向相鄰的國家來說,島嶼在劃界中的效力可能獲得全效力或部分效力或無效力三種,至於個別案例具體上到底可獲得多少部分的效力由於受到許多因素的影響,不能力一概而論。簡言之,島嶼究竟獲得何種效力要視島嶼的位置和性質的不同等因素來決定。


島嶼 海洋劃界 大陸礁層 相關因素 飛地


In the recent several dozens years, the island system has caused in the international law of the sea a long-term dispute. The problem of the potency of the islands' delimitation in the sea has attracted in particular the attention of international society. The potency of the islands' delimitation has significant influence on determining the sea boundary between the correlative countries. In 1982, the 《UN Convention on the Law of the Sea》 was unable to stipulate the function of the islands about the delimitation of the sea. Firstly, to understand the points of views of the relevant I.O. and conferences is necessary. Secondly, according to the widespread national practices and international judicial legal precedents, for the seacoast opposite direction countries, the islands could possibly obtain the entire potency, the partial potency, or the inefficiency. In terms of obtaining concretely how many parts of potency, there exists many factors of influence. Simply speaking, it depends on the position and the nature of the islands.
