  • 期刊


The Relationship of Cancer-Related Fatigue and Proinflammtory Cytokines


癌症病人絕大多數都需接受手術治療、化學治療或是放射線治療,不管是接受化學治療或是放射治療的病人大都有疲憊的困擾。在癌症的治療過程中,病人常同時經驗到多個症狀所帶來的影響,如疲憊、疼痛、呼吸困難、食慾不振、咳嗽、失眠及憂鬱等症狀。這些症狀可能是由一些發炎前細胞激素(proinflammatory cytokines)的分泌所引起,繼而引發身體產生許多生病行為(sickness behavior)。在癌症相關疲憊(Cancer-related fatigue, CRF)的議題中發現細胞激素扮演重要角色。故本文的目的是針對癌症病人所出現的癌症相關疲憊(Cancer-related fatigue, CRF)、癌症治療相關疲憊(Cancer Treatment-related fatigue, CTRF)與發炎前細胞激素的關係及其可能的機轉做探討,期望藉此瞭解癌症相關疲憊生理病理變化及其共同的生物機轉,進而能提出有效改善病人疲憊的處置及提升病人的照護品質。


The majority of cancer patients may need operation, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy. Regardless of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, most patients are bothered by the symptom of fatigue. During the course of treatment of cancer, patients often experience the impact of multiple symptoms, such as the symptoms of fatigue, pain, dyspnea, loss of appetite, cough, insomnia and depression. These symptoms may be caused by the production of proinflammatory cytokines which have lead to a number of sickness behaviors. The related issues of cancerrelated fatigue (CTRF) reveal that proinflammatory cytokines also play an important role on this issue. The main purpose of this paper is focused on the relationship and possible mechanisms of cancer-related fatigue (CRF), cancer treatment-related fatigue (CTRF) and proinflammatory cytokines in cancer patients. Expect to take advantage of this paper to understand the physiological and pathological changes caused by fatigue and common biological mechanisms after undergoing the chemotherapy or radiotherapy in cancer patients. And then can propose effective management to improve the patients' fatigue symptom and quality of life.
