  • 期刊


Clinical Practice Guideline on Neutropenia in Cancer Patients




Neutropenia is a common and severe myelosuppressive side effect in patients receiving anti-cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Neutropenia can result in immunecompromised effects, have the risks of infection rate and mortality rates. Nurses must have the abilities to assess the patients and provide nursing care for neutropenia. Clinical practice guideline in oncology nursing are needed in Taiwan. This paper is to provide nurses in Taiwan with the nursing care standards and practice guidelines for the neutropenia patients. There are four major parts: (1) patient assessment including physical assessment and laboratory data, (2) problem identification: three levels including low, high, and extremely high of risk of infection, (3) management and nursing care including the prevention of neutropenia in low risk patients at home care and the treatment of high risk patients at hospital, and the care of exteremely high risk patients, and (4) continued assessment and nursing care. It is expect that this paper can improve the oncology nurses' care competences and patients' self-care management abilities, reduce the infection rate and medical cost in patients with neutropenia, and improve the care quality in oncology nursing units.


cancer chemotherapy neutropenia infection guideline


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