  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study of APRL Maneuver for Facilitating Recovery from Vestibular Illusions


空間迷向是許多國家的空軍A級重大事故之主要肇因,迄今仍然是個隱伏不馴的殺手。近年本中心為解決這個棘手的問題,試驗地研發所謂的APRL動作,此動作的技巧為反覆叫喊”Ha”,類似空手道或跆拳道技擊者擊破時發出的聲音。 吾們採用Vertigon、Vertifuge迷向機,以及人體離心機來模擬各種前庭錯覺,並依據各受試者(N=297)的口語報告,記錄他們的錯覺持續時間。本研究結果顯示叫喊三聲的APRL動作對縮短錯覺持續時間的效果最佳,例如縮短耳石機轉的前庭錯覺時間之成功率可達58.3~91.7%,錯覺時間的減少率為-9.4~-31.5%;縮短半規管機轉的前庭錯覺時間之成功率亦可達54.2~64.1%,錯覺時間的減少率為-31.3~-50.5%。此外,APRL動作對科氏錯覺和眼旋轉錯覺的持續時間亦有顯著的縮短現象。 目前有關APRL動作的生理機轉祇是臆測,可能是叫喊對前庭神經傳入大腦體感覺皮層的訊息有修飾作用,其影響層次位於中腦的網狀組成,也有可能是對前庭系統感受器的抑制,惟確實的機轉仍有待進一步的驗證。


INTRODUTION. Spatial disorientation (SD) is the most common cause of fatal class A mishaps in the Air Force. It continues to be a stealthy killer in aviation operation. To address this problem, APRL maneuver was empirically developed by our laboratory. This special technique involves repeated explosive yelling ”Ha” (no less than 120 dB) and intervened with a short inhale, which is similar to karate or taekwondo in the phase of attack. METHOD. We adopted Vertifuge and Vertigon (SD demonstrators) and human centrifuge for generating various vestibular illusions. In these studies, 297 trainees were randomly instructed to glare at the attitude indicator on the cockpit panel (SD demonstrators) or the central of light bar (centrifuge) with yelling or without yelling while they felt the vection. The duration of perceiving SD's were counted according to the their verbal report. RESULTS. We noted that three yelling was the best technique to facilitate the SD recovery when compared to single or continuous yelling. In the cases of otolith-based illusion, the success rate of shortening the duration of SD was 58.3~91.7% and the reducing rate was -9.4~-31.5% respectively. In the cases of semicircular duct based illusion, the success rate of shortening the duration of SD recovery was 54.3-64.1% and the reducing rate was -31.3~50.5% respectively. In addition, APRL (three yelling) also had significant depress effects on Coriolis illusion and oculogyral illusion. CONCLUSION. The preliminary data confirmed APRL maneuver could subside the vestibular illusions to some extent. But the trainees need to be coached performing the maneuver properly. Perhaps the yelling can awaken the reticular formation in the brain stem and modify the vestibular ascending impulse. This hypothesis remains to be tested by further clinical studies.


