  • 期刊


The Exploration of Dual-task for Measuring Pilot's Time-sharing Ability


本研究之主要目的在於探討雙重作業所需之時間分用能力對於飛行員能否完成飛行訓練是否有其區辨效度?可期作為進一步發展飛行甄選測驗之基礎。 本研究結果發現:在採用目標追蹤作業與顏色區辨及類別區辨作業之雙重作業組合的研究中並未發現時間分用能力與飛行訓練的結果有明顯的相關,可能之因素與作業形式所反映之時間分用能力特質有關,有待進一步之探討。另一方面,本研究發現反映飛行員在飛行操作中的飛機狀態保持能力之目標追蹤作業能夠有效區辨完訓與停訓之學員,而採用追蹤失誤持續時間為依變項較失誤次數更適合反應受試者在此一作業的操作與手眼協調能力,因此本研究結果顯示,目標追蹤作業適合用於我國飛行學員之飛行甄選測驗,以提昇測驗的預測效度。


The purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between time-sharing ability and flight performance of trainees in flight training programs and to improve test validity of pilot selection. Two kinds of dual-task were adopted to measure time-sharing ability of flight students before they joined the training programs. In the first experiment, a color discrimination task and a target-tracing task were used as primary task and secondary task respectively. In the second experiment, a category discrimination task and a target-tracing task were adopted. The results indicate that both experiments have performance decrements during subjects performing dual-task. However, there is no significant relationship between time-sharing ability and flight performance. In other words, both types of dual-task are not suitable to be used as effective predictors of trainee's flight ability. Moreover, in single task analysis, both experiments find that the target-tracing task can effectively discriminate the differences between pass and fail groups. It shows that target-tracing task can be considered to apply to pilot selection tests and to improve test validity.


dual-task time-sharing pilot selection
