

搭乘飛機長途旅行與靜脈栓塞之間是否相關,一直是個爭議性的醫學問題。與長途搭機旅行相關的靜脈栓塞以往被稱為「經濟艙症候群」,主要反映出在狹窄的環境中,缺氧、缺乏運動、水分攝取不足等因素可能與血栓症的發生有關。一直到最近數年,旅行相關的靜脈栓塞的發生率、危險因子、發生機轉,纔漸為人了解。由於這些症狀不限於飛機這項交通工具,世界衛生組織提出了「旅行者血栓症」一詞來涵蓋旅行相關的血栓症。 旅行者血栓症最早在文獻上的記載已有近六十年,臨床症狀根據栓塞的血管系統之不同而異,本文將針對此病症作回顧之,並將預防之道及治療方法整理陳述,文中同時引述世界衛生組織白皮書對旅行者血栓症之具體建議。


The possibility of an association between air travel and venous thrombosis has been a topic of much debate for a long time. Travel-associated thrombosis had been named ”economy-class syndrome”, reflecting the unique nature of crowed space associated with dehydration, relative hypoxia and lack of exercise as predisposing factors to the development of thrombosis during prolonged flight. It was not until recently, the incidence, risk factors and mechanisms of travel-associated thrombosis has gradually been understood. Because thrombosis during or after travel was also identified in vehicles other than airplane, 「traveler's thrombosis」 was coined to represent The earliest record in literature about traveler's thrombosis could be traced back to about six decades. Clinical presentations depends on which vessel system was thrombosed. This article reviews current understanding of traveler's thrombosis and summarized preventive measures and treatment of this rare but important disease. WHO consensus on this disease was also reported.

