  • 期刊


Apneic Face Immersion-Induced Bradycardia: The Application of Evaluating Aerobic Capability


人體的心跳率為副交感神經優勢地控制,後天的有氧運動可助長心搏徐緩的現象,此一特質雖為心肺適性的指標,但對戰鬥機飛行員的+Gz耐力而言,卻可能為不利的因素。近年推拉效應之肇致飛安事故,已引起對過量有氧運動的商榷。 本研究以92位空軍官校的飛行生為對象,其平均年齡為20.23±0.93歲,他們先後接受安靜心跳率、登階運動後的心跳率(24步/分鐘)、以及臨浸冷水的心跳率之測量(水溫為4,摒息20秒),然後根據間接估計的最大攝氧量,將受測者概分為體能較價和較差兩組,比較體適能程度對心跳率的影響。 本研究發現最大攝氧量的估計值皆與安靜心跳率、臉浸冷水的心跳率呈顯著的負相關(r=-0.524, -0.404),而且體適能愈佳者,心跳率的降低亦愈明顯。此外,臉浸冷水誘導心搏徐緩的生理反應不失為一個評估有氧能力的簡易和經濟方法。


Introduction. The control of Human heart rate is dominated by parasympathetic tone. Long-term aerobic conditioning may enhance its nervous activity and present well-fitted bradycardia. It is often considered as the healthy index of cardiopulmonary system for most people. However, for fighter pilots, it could be an adverse factor of decreasing their +Gz tolerance. In the past decades, pull-push effect has been repeatedly identified in some flight mishaps, which is attributed to the sluggish baroreflex resulting from parasympathetic activation. Therefore, overdose of aerobic exercise needs to be discussed and considered. Methods. Ninety-two cadets from Air Force Academy participated in this study. The age of them is 20.23±0.93 years. They were scheduled to measure their resting heart rate, post-stepping heart rate (24 steps/min), and stress heart rate when apneic face immersing (water temperature: 4℃, breath holding: 20 sec). Then we divided the subjects into two groups based upon their evaluated maximal oxygen uptake. This grouping was for comparing their heart rates during and after face immersion. Results. We found that the evaluated maximal oxygen uptake significantly correlated with resting heart rate and stress heart rate (r=-0.524, -0.404). Moreover, the better physical fitness was the faster heart rate responded was observed in this study. Conclusion. Apneic face immersion can present a quick, economic, and reliable method for evaluating human aerobic capability.
