  • 期刊


Discovery of Taiwan Komin Poet in Japan Colonial Era-Contents and Related Problems of the Works by Chou, Bo-Yong


過去,大家所說的日本政府時期臺灣「皇民作家」,都只提小說家,並沒有論及詩人。皇民作家不少,也應該包括詩人;但是因為過去學者甚少發現皇民詩人,所以有上述的遺憾。 近日,筆者研究早期臺灣兒童少年作家兼詩人周伯陽的作品,發現他的皇民詩不少;而且他盛讚日本的皇民化運動,是一個不折不扣的皇民詩人。為了解這位皇民詩人的種種,因而有撰述本論文的必要。 本論文首先界定「皇民詩人」,是由其贊同並從事日本皇民化運動;因而先探討「皇民化運動」,再討論皇民化運動對臺灣文學的影響,以及概述周氏的生平、文學活動與作品。而論文的重心,則在周氏皇民詩內容的文本分析、研究;由中,在在都可以證明他被日本皇民化得很徹底。 在本論文的「結論」中,較強烈批評周氏政治意識低、國族觀念淡薄;他只為了活命,做個順民,而絲毫不敢對殖民者說聲「不!」還大加歌頌!由此看來,他的詩,甚至兒童少年作品,在社會普篇「人格即文格」的價值要求下,長期被忽視,也不無道理。


In the past, when people mentioned Taiwan ”Komin writers” in Japan Colonial Era, mostly novelists were indicated but not poets. In fact there were quite a few Komin writers and Komin poets should have been included. It was misunderstood because researchers failed to discover Komin poets. Recently when I was reviewing the works of Chou, Bo-Yong, the Taiwan children & teen literary author and poet, I discovered he had done quite a few Komin poems. He highly applauded ”Kominka (Japanization) Movement” that is undoubtedly a Komin poet. Therefore, it's necessary to write a research thesis of him. The thesis begins with definition of ”Komin ports”, that is who supported and involved in Kominka Movement. Hence the thesis firstly probes Kominka Movement followed by a discussion on impact of Kominka Movement towards Taiwan literature. The thesis also delivered a summary on Chou's life and works. The core of thesis is to analyze and research on Chou's Komin poems, which clearly proves Chou is thoroughly Japanized. After Japan lost in the war and withdrew the Government out of Taiwan, Chou adhered himself to the continuous colonial Government-China KMT-and kept imagination towards China troops. This was definitely another Kominka thinking of Chou's which was very regretful. Therefore, in the conclusion of thesis, Chou was candidly criticized as moron in terms of political conscious. In order to just live on, he dared not to say ”no!” to colonialists but, on the contrary, to applaude them. This suggests one of the reasons his poems were chronically disregarded.


Chou Po-Yong Komin writer Kominka Movement Komin poet
