  • 期刊


The Research on a Grand Review Ceremony in 1739 and "The Grand Review" in Four Handscrolls


「國之大事,在祀與戎。」因此,對中國古代政權來說,祭祀天地神祇與捍衛國家安全可謂同等重要。前者(祭祀)主旨在於證明其政權的合理性與正當性;後者(軍事)則在保衛國家安全、社會安寧與人民安居。有鑑於此,古代中國歷代王朝藉著「大閱講武」的儀式,用以訓練國家軍隊並保持全民抵禦外侮的戒慎之心,可以說向來不遺餘力。 早在三代以前的統治王朝,即曾舉行過「大閱」之典;洎乎清室,仍有其制。尤其清廷自入關以前,即已有大閱之制;入關之後,更是屢經修訂,而使體制更趨完備。 至於乾隆四年的「大閱」,為乾隆皇帝即位後首次的大閱典禮。與前此歷代大閱典禮最大的不同之處,就在於這次隆重的大閱,透過當時宮廷畫家以畫筆如實地紀錄了下來。根據《石渠寶笈續編》,大閱圖應有四卷,所繪為乾隆四年十一月初三於南苑舉行的大閱,四卷依序為「幸營」、「列陣」、「閱陣」、「行陣」,參與繪製的有金昆等十名宮廷畫家。 而在乾隆的御製詩中,曾針對「大閱」題詩,可以為他下令繪製這四卷〈大閱圖〉做一註腳-亦即〈大閱圖〉的繪製,正是即位初期的乾隆皇帝用來提醒自己,身為帝王之尊,不可忽視軍旅之事,因為「國之大事,惟祀與戎」,故詩文曰:「承平詎敢忘戎事」;另方面乾隆皇帝也向天下臣民展示,他有著經營天下的雄心壯志,故詩文曰:「經國應知有大猷」-這也正是「大閱」典禮之所以必須舉行的宗旨。


乾隆皇帝 大閱 大閱圖


”The most important things for a country are sacrificial rites and military affairs”. Both two are important for the ancient china regime. Sacrificial rites could give the regime legitimate position and military affairs would protect the safety of whole country. Therefore, emperors held a Grand Review ceremony to use to training the army and maintaining vigilance. Grand Review ceremony had become a tradition for ancient China. The Ch'ing dynasty established the custom of conducting a review once every three years. The system of a Grand Review ceremony became more and more complete. The Ch'ien-lung Emperor, starting with the first time he held a Grand Review ceremony in the fourth year of his reign (1739). Not alike other Grand Review ceremonies in history, this time The Ch'ien-lung Emperor ordered Chin K'un and other court artists to paint ”The Grand Review” in four handscrolls to record the ceremony. Four handscrolls according to priority are: ”The Imperial Encampment,” ”Battle Formation Lined Up,” ”Reviewing Battle Formation, ” and ”Battle Formation on the Move.” According to an imperial inscription, we believe ”The Grand Review” has political purpose. First, the Ch'ien-lung Emperor wanted himself to be vigilant, never to ignore military affairs are important. Second, the Ch'ien-lung Emperor also wanted to show his great ambitious to rule the country.


