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Daoism and Daoist Culture in Ancient Korea


這篇論文首先以高句麗為例探究道教的接受與政治權力有密不可分的關係,然後提到百濟的道教文化。高句麗兩次接受道教。第一次高句麗接受道教的事情發生于高句麗榮留王七年(624)。高句麗榮留王七年(624)派遣使臣於唐,請班曆,而唐高祖要傳播道教,派遣道士,讓他們在高句麗講授老子。中國傳統史料強調這些事情,卻記載說高句麗遣使請道教。在高句麗榮留王時代(618-641),高句麗與唐的關係呈現出比較穩定的局面,所以唐高祖想要利用道教提高唐的權威。 第二次高句麗接受道教的事發生於淵蓋蘇文執政(642)以後。淵蓋蘇文接受道教的目的在於政治的需求。他想要利用道教提高他的政治力量,要消除高句麗快要滅亡的讖言所動搖的人民的疑慮。這樣的措施得到相當的成功,所以淵蓋蘇文死亡以前,高句麗能夠抵抗唐的侵略。但是高句麗滅亡以後,在古代韓國歷史上道士的活動就消失了。 高句麗榮留王接受道教以後,過了十年,百濟武王三十五年(634)興建宮南池,把池中島嶼比擬為方丈仙山,顯示他追求神仙。在韓國古代文獻中,我們無法找到追求神仙的方法。但是查詢日本古代史料的時候,我們不難發現百濟移民出身的醫藥專家通曉於本草學,善於製造仙藥,被稱為方士,這個史實顯示百濟的醫藥與道教的神仙信仰有密不可分的關係。這樣滲透到醫藥等的道教文化一直維持了它們的生命力。


道教 道教文化 韓國 高句麗 百濟


The purpose of this paper focuses on the relation of transmission of Daoism and politics in Goguryo (高句麗), and studies on Daoist culture of Baekje (百濟). There are two subsequent instances of the formal transmission of Daoism in Goguryo. The first was in the seventh year of King Yongryu (榮留王624). King Yongryu sent envoy to transmit the calendar of Tang China, but Tang Gaozu sent two Daoist priests to give lectures on the Daodejing. The second trasnmission was in the second year of King Bojang 寶藏王(642) who followed the recommendation of the powerful official Yongaesomun(淵蓋蘇文). Yongaesomun asked Tang Taizong to sent eight Daoist priests and Daodejing. Eight Daoist priests played a important role to release the anxiety for the future of Goguryo and enhance the power of Yongaesomun. This implies that Daoism was imported for the political purpose of Goguryo. So after the demise of Goguryo, Daoist priest disappeared in the ancient Korean history. King Mu (武王) of Baekje kingdom built the isle which reflected on the immortals of Daoism in the Gungnam pond (宮南池). This suggests that King Mu pursued immortals of Daoism. According to the Nihonshoki (日本書記) and the Shokunihonki (續日本紀), the immigrant doctors of Japan from Baekje were called as Daoist practioners (方士) who could make special medicines to pursue the immortals of Daoism. This means that Daoist culture to pursue the immortals of Daoism were influential in the Baekje kingdom.


Daoism Daoist culture Korea Goguryo高句麗 Baekje百濟
