  • 期刊


The Preliminary Analysis of Internet Public Relations in the Teams-A Case of the Brothers Elephant Baseball Team


近年來,由於網際網路的盛行,已使網路成為報紙、雜誌、廣播、電視四大媒體外的第五大媒體(Morris & Ogan, 1996)。而網際網路的興起打破的傳統的窠臼,使得企業可以採取主動,與消費者做即時且雙向的溝通,也可以從網際網路中蒐集公眾的意見,大大的提升了公共關係的效益。利用網際網路的互動性、整合性、資訊共享、縮短時間與距離成,兄弟象棒球隊利用網站建構網路公關的溝通模式。本研究以文獻探討和內容分析法對兄弟象棒球隊網站的網路公關模式進行分析,發現兄弟象隊雖然在形象建立和危機處理方面較為欠缺,但是卻十分注重訊息的傳遞及互動回饋,基本上仍符合雙向對等的溝通模式,若能在形象建立和危機處理上有所補強,相信能將網路公關的效益發輝至最大。


網路公關 球隊網站


In the recently years, because the Internet is popular, it has become the fifth media besides four traditional medias-newspaper, magazine, broadcast and television (Morris & Ogan, 1996). The rise of Internet breaks past traditional convention, and business can be active to communicate with consumers immediately and symmetrically. It can also collect opinions of public and promote the benefit of public relations. Brothers Elephant baseball team uses the website to construct the communication of public relations on the Internet by relying on the interaction, integration, sharing the information and shorting time and distance of Internet. This study is discussed about public relations performed on the Internet with the methods of case study and documental analysis. The inference is that the team ignored the significance of image establishing and crisis handling, but pay more attention on delivering massages and interactive feedback, on the whole it still conform to the communicative model of two-way symmetric. If they can strengthen on image establishing and crisis handling, the benefit of Internet public relations can be maximum.


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