  • 期刊


A Study on High School and Vocational High School Rugby Team Coach Leadership Behavior and Team Solidarity


本研究以高中橄欖球代表隊為研究對象,透過問卷調查,瞭解高中(職)橄欖球學校代表隊教練領導行為與球員團隊凝聚力之關係因素。研究結果發現:選手知覺到教練表現較多的讚賞行為,而團隊任務、目標之訂定對於球員產生對球隊的向心力方面佔有極大的重要性。然在教練領導行為因素構面上,僅在不同練習天數對「訓練與讚賞行為」、「教學與關懷行為」、「民主行為」等因素呈現顯著差異。在球員團隊凝聚力因素構面上,在不同球員位置在「團隊目標達成」、「團隊合作默契」、「團隊人際關係」因素達顯著。而在教練領導行為對球員團隊凝聚力,以「訓練與讚賞行為」與「團隊目標的達成」相關值最高,且呈現顯著水準之正相關。 建議教練對於選手之良好表現都能給予正面、適切的回饋與獎賞,並設立明確努力目標,以建立其自信心,增加自我肯定價值,俾益於運動技能的提昇。且在強調運動技術的訓練之餘,能重視選手的人格特質及心理層面的需求,合宜的表現其領導行為並關心、鼓勵選手的行為,更能在團隊之中製造親切威,使選手間的關係更為密切,並倡導團隊成員共同合作、彼此配合以營造優良的團隊凝聚力。現職教練實有必要透過在職進修或回流教育等管道,去學習有關運動領導行為方面的技巧及團隊動力之經營策略,以帶領運動團隊邁向成功之路。


The subjects of this study are high school and vocational high school representative rugby teams. The aim is to achieve understanding of the correlation factors between the leadership behavior and team solidarity, through questionnaire analysis. It is discovered that it is extremely important that the players perceive much appreciative behavior on the part of the coach, and be aware of the team mission and objective. However among the factors that affect coach leadership behavior, only different number of days of training show significant variance with respect to ”training and appreciative behavior”, ”teaching and caring behavior”, and ”democratic behavior”. Among the factors that affect team solidarity, different player position show significant variance with respect to ”achieving team objective”, ”team cooperation tacit understanding” and ”team human relationship”. As for the effect of coach leadership behavior on team solidarity, the highest correlation value is found in ”training and appreciative behavior” and ”achieving team objective”, showing significant positive correlation. It is thus recommended that coaches always award players for their good performance with positive and appropriate feedback, and set up clear targets of effort, to build their self confidence, increase their self appreciation, in order to raise their game skills. It also follows from this study that apart from skill training, it is important for the coach to grasp the players' personality attributes and their psychological needs, and to importunely exhibit his leadership behavior and a caring and encouraging attitude so that a sense of affinity would be created in the team, forging closer bonds among the players, leading to team cooperation and solidarity.


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