  • 期刊


Discussion on Stress Management of Tennis Player


「壓力」幾乎是身為現代人常面臨到的問題,在今日高度工業化及都市化的生活中,緊張、忙碌及競爭激烈已是現代人常見的社會現象之一,但並非意味者現代生活才有壓力,自有人類以來,壓力就存在了。幾乎生活中的任何變動都有可能成為壓力來源,這些壓力的來源,都可以說是壓力事件。 而現今網球競賽日益競爭之下,網球選手承受的壓力比以往來得沈重而多樣化,於2007年我國女子選手詹詠然和莊佳容在澳洲網球公開賽獲得雙打亞軍佳績,寫下國內網壇最佳紀錄,隨著國人越來越注目國際之比賽,網球選手勢必也承受更大的心理壓力,所以為了讓網球選手能夠克服因比賽所引起的壓力感,有必要將壓力管理應用在網球選手的訓練計畫中,且將心理技能訓練和放鬆訓練融合其中,藉以調適運動員的壓力,並能在比賽中發揮平時的訓練效果。 身為網球教練工作的一員,深知影響網球運動表現的因素不只是技術與生理等因素,心理壓力因素也是決定球員勝負以及運動表現的重要原因。因此,藉由探討網球選手的壓力管理,希望能夠對於提升網球選手在比賽的成績表現有所助益。


網球選手 壓力管理


”Stress” is a problem that people have to face almost everyday. In today's highly industrialized and urbanized life, tension, busyness and intense competition has been one of the common social phenomenon that modern people have. But it doesn't mean that modern times is the source of stress. Stress exists when. Almost every change can be the source of the stress, and these sources of the stress are called stress affair. Today, the competition of tennis games increasing. The stress that tennis players bear is heavier and more multiform than before. In 2007, Yung-Jan Chan and Chia-Jung Chuang, female players in our country won the second place in Australian open. It's the best record in tennis in our country. Players bear more stress while people are more and more interested in international games. To make the players overcome the stress caused by games, it is necessary to apply stress management to tennis players in the training program and integrate psychological skills training and relaxation training into the program. That way, it can help to adjust the condition of players and improve their skills from the training while in the tournament. As one of tennis instructors, I know the factor of tennis performance is not only the skills or physiology, but stress which is also am important factor to decide the victory or defeat and performance. By discussing the player's management of stress, hoping to help raise the tennis player's achievement of the game.


Tennis player Stress management


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