  • 期刊


Discussion on Professional Competency of Tennis Coaches


多年來政府推展體育的兩大方向,一為提倡全民體育;一為積極培養優秀選手。在培養優秀選手方面,以國際體壇競爭激烈的今天,「體育即國力」已經成為大家的共識。現今已邁入二十一世紀,各國為提升國際聲譽,不斷致力於培訓優秀運動選手,參加國際運動賽事及錦標賽為國家爭光。 目前我國優秀的網球選手漸漸在國際大賽中嶄露頭角,如詹詠然、盧彥勳等;青少年選手更不勝枚舉,如曾在澳洲網球公開賽青少年組男子雙打取得優異成績的謝政鵬及楊宗樺,由此可看出網球運動在國內漸被重視且具有成長的趨勢。以目前縱橫國際網壇的明星選手來說,絕大部分都是在青少年時期即嶄露頭角,旋即進入職業網壇成為頂尖好手。所以,青少年選手的培育,不僅是儲備正式選手,也是推廣網球運動往下扎根的基礎工作。因此,一名經驗豐富的專業運動教練對於培養傑出的運動員而言非常重要。 因此,身為網球教練工作的一員,探討網球運動教練所具備之專業能力,以提供網球運動教練有更完善的專業素養,提昇運動教練技術水準,促進網球運動發展的品質,更作為未來運動教練培育課程的參考,進而將網球運動推向國際舞台。


網球 運動教練 專業能力


Advocating PE for all and fostering outstanding players in an active part are two important things that the government spread for many years. In the development of elite athletes, today, the international sports compete intensely, ”PE is the strength of a country” has become the consensus of everyone. Now it's the 21st century. For promoting the international reputation, every country has devoted in training outstanding athletes to win the international movement sports event and championship tournament. Presently our tennis players are budding in international competitions gradually, like Yung-Jan Chan and Yen-Hsun Lu. The young players are too numerous to cite individually, for example Cheng-Peng Hsieh and Tsung-Hua Yang who got the great achievement in Australian Open junior group Men's doubles. From the example, we may see that the tennis movement in domestic gradually has been take seriously, and has grown tendency. Most of the famous world's star players were budding when they were young and then entered the professional tennis world to become the top player, so cultivating young players are not only for official contestant, but also the base of spreading tennis movement. Being one of tennis coaches, we have to probe the professional competency of coaches to provide better Professionalism and the skill standard for coaches. That may promote the quality of tennis movement development and become a model for sports coach training courses in the future, and advancely push the campaign for tennis to the international stage.


Tennis Sports coach Professional competency


Chambers, D.(1997).Coaching: Winning strategies for every level of play.Buffalo, New York:A Firefly Books.
Ghiselli, E.(1971).Explorations in managerial talent.Santa Monica, CA:Goodyear.
Seefeldt, V.(1987).Handbook for youth sports coaches.Reston, VA:AAHPERD.


