  • 期刊

Founding Rationales, Operating Strength and Concerns of Sport and Recreation Management Related Programs of Taiwan Universities/Colleges



本研究的主要目的在於探討國內運動與休閒管理相關系所之設置背景、發展特色與待因應課題,並分析組織背景變項對此三個課題的可能影響。針對64個相關系所之主管,通過電話訪談和問卷調查二種方式進行資料之收集。問卷調查部分係以研究者自編之「我國大專校院運動與休閒管理相關系所之設置背景、發展特色與待因應課題調查」問卷為工具,其所述事項與實際運作現況之相符程度經專家檢視合宜,內容效度可為接受,量表各構面項目之內部一致性(Cronbach’s α)介於0.68和0.88之間,亦屬適當。研究所獲結果如下:(一)運動與休閒管理相關系所之設置背景以「因應社會發展需求」為主,「強化學系成長條件」次之,「配合學校整體規劃」則居末;(二)辦學優勢依序為「教學資源豐沛」、「社會關係良好」、「支援體系健全」和「輔導成效卓著」;課程特色包含「符合社會趨向」、「顧及學生需求」、「強化實用價值」、與「掌握資源效益」;(三)待因應課題相對重要性依序為「競爭態勢疲弱」、「社會支持匱乏」、「辦學資源不足」、「師資條件欠佳」和「專業定位不明」;以及(四)學校屬性、學校類型、專任教師人數、學生人數與成立時間等變項對於部分量表構面的認知情形具有顯著的影響效果。


The purpose of the study was to investigate the founding rationales, operating strength and concerns of sport and recreation management related programs of Taiwan universities/colleges. The effects of selected organizational variables on the three subject matters were also examined. A total of 64 chairpersons of the programs were involved during the two phases of investigation using telephone interviews and a questionnaire survey. A researcher self-developed questionnaire, ”The Founding Rationales, Strength and Concerns of Sport and Recreation Management Related Programs of Taiwan Universities/Colleges Survey” was used as the survey instrument. The tool's content validity was verified by a panel of experts and its reliability was acceptable with internal consistency (Cronbach's α) of subscales ranging from 0.68 to 0.88. The study found: (a) the main establishing rationales were ”fulfilling social demands”,”enhancing program developmental conditions” and ”complying with school overall planning”; (b) the major strengths for the programs were ”sufficient teaching-learning resources”, ”sound social relation”, ”functional supporting system” and ”effective mentoring efforts” for the favorable managing means aspect, and ”in agreement with social trends”, ”caring for student needs”, ”enhancing application values”, and ”maximizing resource efficiency” for the curriculum planning perspective; (c) issues more concerned by the programs were ”lack of competitiveness”, ”inadequate social support”, ”insufficient resources”, ”poor faculty conditions” and ”unclear professional position”, and (d) funding source, university category, faculty quantity, student quantity and length of program establishment were influential variables for one or more factors of the scales.


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