  • 期刊


The Need for Student Educational Programs at the Museum


由於觀眾的需求是博物館規劃教育活動之基礎,因此在規劃以中小學生為對象的活動時,有必要先瞭解學生的需求。本研究即在利用問卷調查法,瞭解高雄市中小學生對本館教育活動之類別、主題與內容的需求,付費參加活動的意願,以及對舉辦活動時間看法,並探討不同背景(就學階段、年級、公私立別、性別)學生需求的一致性。 研究樣本從高雄市4所高中、7所高職、14所國中、14所國小學生中,選取4,102名樣本,其中有效樣本共3,456份。經過統計分析後,主要研究結果如下: 一、高雄市中小學生有八成以上在過去一年內曾參觀過博物館,而且不同背景學生間具有顯著差異。 二、高雄市中小學生對本館可能舉辦的教育活動類別、主題與內容的需求程度相當高。 三、除男女學生對活動主題的需求不很一致外,不同背景學生,對各種教育活動的需求相當一致。 四、學生比較希望活動在課餘的白天舉辦。 五、多數學生願意負擔參加活動費用。 六、學生與教師對本館教育活動的需求具有差異。 依據研究發現,本研究提出本館進行後續活動設計之建議。




1. Motives for this study Since the 1970s museums have begun to place a greater emphasis on their role as educational tools, giving more priority to organizing educational activities on behalf of the public. These educational activities are often closely tied to the interests, perceptions and limited activity funding of the particular museum involved. They also depend on what is being exhibited and stored in the museum. These factors generally mean that a museum is never really able to fulfill its potential as an educational medium. This is why specialists in museum science in Taiwan and overseas feel that before a museum can begin to develop educational programs it must first understand the interests and needs of the public around it. Research on these needs has thus started to gain greater attention. Statistics compiled by museums in Taiwan and abroad show that primary and secondary students make up about half of museum visitors. Any educational programs put together by a museum should center on these young students, tailoring its programs to the special characteristics of the local area rather than the nation as a whole. In other words, the main target of the museum's educational efforts should be the local schoolchildren. For this above reason, it meant conducting a survey of schoolchildren in the greater Kaohsiung area to determine what they expect of the museum in educational efforts-before launching into full-scale planning. This will help to ensure that programs meet actual needs and work to heighten their effectiveness. 2. Aims of research In light of the above analysis, the followings were selected as the goals of reserach efforts: 1. Determine how often Kaohsiung schoolchildren visit museums and what kind of museums they visit. 2. Find out what local schoolchildren expect from this museum in the way of educational activities. 3. Evaluate the different requirements of local schoolchildren according to their different backgrounds. 4. Analyze and evaluate the information gained through these research efforts to present a concise picture of goals and methods for developing an effective program of educational events and activities for the schoolchildren of Kaohsiung. 3. Planning and carrying out research (1) Outline of the research The first topic of research should be the type of educational theory to be utilized. This would entail looking at what kinds of educational programs are now in effect at various museums around the world and their applicability to possible progams for this museum. It should study the types of educational activities that would be appropriate to primary and secondary students in this area, and it should offer sample questionnaires that will survey students' willingness to participate in educational events in terms of the relative desirability of varying periods of time. The information thus gained will be used to evaluate the usefulness of programs for students from different backgrounds. A suggested outline for research would include the following: (The from abridges) (2) Methods of research This research project utilized the following methods for the most part: 1. Discussion of articles and papers Available literature on educational programs at museums was collected for study and analysis of theories and applications. This will allow a greater understanding of the principles, exhibition subjects and venues which may be used for educational activities. It covered the types of activities, topics and contents, times and durations, and other aspects of educational activities and will serve as a basis for developing questionnaires for future studies. 2. Interviews with experts The information collected from published sources will be used to develop a ”Questionnaire for Primary and Secondary Students in Kaohsiung Regarding the Need for Educational Activities in the National Science and Technology Museum”. Experts were consulted on this topic, and a number of students were asked to fill out sample questionnaires to determine where changes needed to be made. 3. Using the questionnaire in the survey The questionnaire developed using the above process was used to collect data and determine the needs of students in Kaohsiung for these types of activities. The varying requirements among students were analyzed with respect to their different backgrounds. (3) Sampling for the survey This survey covered four senior high schools, seven vocational schools, 14 junior high schools and 14 elementary schools in the Kaohsiung city area, with a total of 4380 distributed questionnaires. 4102 completed questionnaires were returned for a return rate of 93.65%. A total of 3456 valid samples was finally obtained, and an analysis of these questionnaires is shown below. This survey gathered data using a questionnaire which included both written questions and numerical data. The opinions and suggestions in the written segment of the questionnaire were weighted using itemized induction while the numerical data was keyed into a computer for statistical analysis. The findings were derived from using several statistical models. 1. Numerical distribution and percentages 2. Average number and statistical deviation 3. Chi-square test 4. One-way Anova 5. Tukey honestly-significant difference 6. Spearman rank correlation 7. Kendall coefficient of concordance 4. Conclusions Statistical analysis of the data obtained in this survey yielded the following conclusions: (1) Primary and seondary students in Kaohsiung have visited a very large number of museums. Survey results showed that over 80% of those contacted had visited each type of museum in the past year, signifying that museum going is very widespread among students in the city. (2) Students in Kaohsiung have a very (The form abridges) high level of expectations from the museum for educational programs. They expressed a rather strong willingness to participate regardless of the type, topic and content, and cost involved in the activities. Obviously educational activities hold a great deal of interest for students in the area. (3) Students from different backgrounds showed a highly consistent interest in educational activities. Regardless of grade, age, and public or private school, they all showed interest in all educational activities no matter what the type, topic and content, timing, or cost. There was a marginal difference in interest between males and females where topic and context and cost of the program were involved. These gender-related differences should be kept in mind during detailed planning of educational activities. (4) Students prefer activities that are held during the day and outside of class time. Common sense indicates that non- school days are the est time to hold educational activities aimed at students. Statistics and open questioning shows that this is indeed the case with primary and secondary students in the area. In fact, the great majority of such activities are held outside of class hours at museums throughout Taiwan and the rest of the world. (5) Most students are willing to pay fees to take part in educational activities. This study found that better than 60 percent of the students surveyed would not long as the events are interesting to them. Other studies have shown that more than half of adults, teachers and parents approve of fees for such activities. Thus it should be no problem to charge reasonable fees to students whenever it is deemed appropriate. (6) The needs of students and teachers are significantly different regarding educational events. Comparison of several studies reveals that the needs of students and teachers differ regarding the types of educational programs and the topics involved. Some museums in Taiwan are now organizing discussions with teachers as they are in the midst of planning educational activities for students. The needs of students should similarly be evaluated in designing events to them to make sure that these needs will be met. 5. Suggestions This museum should make the best use of its resources by giving greater priority to events that students are willing to take part in. (1) Types of activities Since students form various backgrounds generally share the same tastes in programs, during the initial period following the opening of the museum educational events should center around audio-visual shows, computer-related education, study and practice sessions, field trips, hands-on displays, and guided tours. (2) Topics and contents of activities Interest is very high among students regarding topics such as Mitigation of Natural Hazards, Air Navigation and Aero n space, World of Electronics, Computer and Communication, Transportion and Civilization, and The Utilization of Water Resources. Moreover, these are science and technology-related subjects that will be very important to them in their daily lives in the future and in handling future development and problems in Taiwan. Thus it would be a good idea to carry out some activities on these themes. (3) Other topics Students are always interested in finding out more about the subjects that are on display, and they are also keen on topics such as science and leisure, science and the consumer, science and environment and the like. The museum can look to outside sources for help in organizing programs or topics such as these, and public corporations may also be approached for help in planning and carrying out such activities. (4) Timing Activities aimed at students should be held during the day on non-school days so that as many students as possible can take part in. In addition, the museum should coordinate with local schools to organize short visits by groups of students during class hours, and it should consider visits to schools by museum personnel as parts of an in-class educational program. (5) Program fees Although over half of students and parents indicated that they would be willing to pay fees to take part in educational programs, it should be kept in mind that the museum is a non-profit organization. Thus fees should be avoided except where they are absolutely necessary.


