  • 期刊


Study on Teaching Model of Nonformal Right Brain Science Education Using National Science & Technology Museum Biotechnology Laboratory Teaching as an Example



兩個腦半球在功能上彼此間的差異,則早已被人揭曉。由最近很多有關人類腦部組織與功能的研究顯示,這一方面的新知識正不斷地被發掘。本文先就左右腦與傳統教育等相關文獻做神經心理學為基礎之教育理論基礎,再就左右腦與科學教育、右腦創造力思維與進階科學教育,左右腦優勢的評量與科學教育,和非制式科學教育之右腦特質與博物館科學教育等相關議題,為非制式右腦科學教學與學習之模式理論做論證。國立科學工藝博物館之生物科技實驗室所開辦的「邁向二十一世紀國中生生命科技夏令營」為本研究之個案研究,研究方法以「右腦多元評量」針對「EMD三階段右腦科學教學模式(Environment、Media、Doing Teaching Model)」進行前、後測之前實驗研究。研究結果顯示EMD三階段右腦科學教學模式投入後,後測實驗室教室氣氛值與學生期望值相近,其中學生融洽性與課程統整性甚且超出學生未進入實驗室前所期望的評價;就右腦傾化情形而言,整體上有效樣本63人,38人有「右腦傾化」的情況出現,其中以A群組(左腦優勢組)偏右傾化最明顯;就學生小組合作分組報告而言,十二組只有一組以傳統左腦學習之條列式報告,十組以概念圖做整合性的報告,一組甚至以戲劇整合課程做報告;就學生學習自評,前、後測結果,其值有明顯的增加。本次研究是筆者結合非制式教育工作經驗與博士班科教理論的結合,自評是一次成功的行動研究歷程之一。


The functional differences between the two hemispheres have already been revealed. Many recent studies of brain tissues and functions indicate that this new area of knowledge has constantly been discovered. This study firstly used the documents related to left/right brain and traditional education as the foundation of education theory to study neuropsychology and then focused on the issues such as left/right brain and science education, creativity of right brain and advanced science education, assessment of left/right brain's predominance and science education, right brains characteristic in Nonformal Science Education, and Museum Science Education to explore the demonstrations of Nonformal right brain science teaching and learning model theory. ”Heading To the 21st Century-The Life Tec Summer Camp for Junior High School Students” held by National Science & Technology Museum Biotechnology Laboratory was the case study for this research. The research method, ”right brain diversified valuations” was in accordance with ”the three stages of Environment, Media, Doing Teaching Model (EMD) for right brain” to proceed pre-test and post-test of quasi-experimental study. After adopting the three-stage EMD teaching model, the finding indicated that the classroom's atmosphere value of post-test lab was close to students' expected value. The harmony the students and the courseintegration were even beyond the students' expectation before entering the Lab, For the right brain tendency, 63 people were regarded as valid samples, among which 38 people had ”right brain tendency” situation and ”Group A (left brain predominance group)” was the most obvious one. As for the group reports from students, only lout of 12 groups used traditional prescriptive reports of left-brain study and 10 groups completing the integrated report by using Concept Mapping. The other one even did the report by adopting integrated drama courses. According to the pre-and post-test results from the students' self-evaluation, the value had increased remarkably. This study was the combination of Informal Education working experience and the science educational theory of doctoral studying, and the researcher considered this study one of the successful action research ex-periences.




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