  • 期刊


Discussion on the Stimulation of Motivation and Design of Science Educational Activities from Movies-A Case Study of U-571


本文並以國中二年級資優班學生六十人為研究對象,試著以看電影並擇定戰爭動作片電影「獵殺U-571」作為「行為的引發物」來從趣味中引起動機,接著安排七個單元主題來讓學生從「科學動手做」或「做中學」的學習模式中去探索科學現象,從而探究電影內所陳現的科學情節的眞實性;另在每一個活動過程中,學生必須要與團隊協調合作,完成作品,從而探究各項科學教具或玩具所應用的科學原理。使學生知其然、知其所以然並能善用各項科學知識,達寓教於樂的教學功能。在完成作品時亦可進行趣味競賽、心得發表,如此從活動中來提供全人的教育情境,而達到全方位的教育目標,緊接著參觀國立科學工藝博物館相關展示廳,進行科學演示、展示品實地參觀等方式。 經由統計調查發現,學生對此種以電影欣賞帶入科學教育的學習模式,在最高分10分的評價中,整體評價達7.5分以上,且在開放式的問卷裡,亦肯定此種科學教育模式既新鮮、又有趣,頗值得從事科學教育者之參考。


動手做 做中學


The subjects for this research project are 60 second-year students from an elite junior high school class. The movie, U-571, is given to the students to stimulate their behavior and to motivate learning. Furthermore, seven theme lessons are given to the students for exploring scientific phenomena by the ”Hands-on” and ”Learning by Doing” learning models and by examining the reality of the scientific plots presented in the movie. During the process of each activity, the students are expected to cooperate with groups in order to accomplish the projects and explore the scientific theories used in the scientific aids or toys, by which the students would know that something is so and why is so and use the scientific knowledge well. This activity will teach as well as be fun. After finishing the projects, I will use an interesting game and presentation on what was learned to provide a whole-person educational environment and achieve the integrated educational goal. To visit some related exhibition halls in the National Science and Technology museum is immediately arranged. Based on the statistical survey, the students give an average grade of above 7.5 out of 10 on the learning model using movie. They also believe this learning education model in science is interesting, new and a valuable reference for science educators.




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