  • 期刊


A Communication Bridge or an Endorsement Channel for Industries: A Discussion on the Cooperation of Exhibition Planning between Museums and Industries



在國外行之有年的博物館與產業界之合作辦展,近年來台灣也有越來越多的案例。在博物館因為營運壓力、踏出學術象牙塔而與社會親近的同時,有越來越多的產業,基於對企業社會責任的重視,以及親近大眾的需求,願意撥出資源進行裨益於社會大眾的非營利性活動;博物館與產業兩者合作的主要交集之一,就是博物館中的產業類展示。 本文從產業類展示的歷史淵源探討為始,發現當代產業類展示其實為產業與博物館自然而然合作之下的產物;對博物館而言,此種合作可以獲得經費、專業知識、物力資源、人力資源與行銷管道等多種支援,不過,博物館同時也需要面臨工作量增加的情況,必需吸納因此所帶來對於原有體制的衝擊,還有陷入展示內容商業化分寸拿捏的難題,而成為產業的傳聲筒,以及面對觀眾的質疑。 而將關注焦點放在2008年科工館所推出泡麵特展時,透過觀眾問卷調查的統計分析,可以發現絕大多數的觀眾對於科工館與產業之合作,乃持正面肯定之評價,也支持科工館繼續與產業合辦展覽,顯見台灣社會大眾對於博物館與產業的合作是支持的,同時也期待博物館成為產業與大眾之間的溝通橋樑。而從泡麵特展雙方合作過程的點滴中,可以體察到產業對於合辦展覽之效益的期待,包括了:展示內容必須正確而具專業性,且不致於讓觀眾誤解為商業性展覽,同時可以呈現企業的良好形象。 最後從觀眾所寫下的意見中,發現觀眾將此特展合作案類比為國內大學院校近年來盛行的產學合作;校方因為爭取經費而開始與產業界合作的情況,其實與博物館目前的處境頗為相似,而產學合作已被先進國家稱為第三次學術革命,據此與前述討論,可以推想博物館與產業的合作將會越形興盛,而博物館究竟是擔任產業與民眾之間的橋樑,還是成為產業的傳聲筒,則需要博物館的努力不懈!


This article starts from discussing the history of industrial displays and finds that the modern one is actually a natural product of the cooperation between industries and museums. Such cooperation can help museums gain financial supports, professional knowledge, resources and marketing channels from the industries. However, museums also have to face the increase of work load, such as, the impacts to their original system, commercial-oriented contents, becoming an endorsement channel for the industries and handling questions from the audience. Take the 2008 ”Instant Noodles” exhibition in the National Science and Technology Museum (NSTM) as an example, the visitors' questionnaires and their statistic analysis result show that most people gave positive evaluation for the cooperation between NSTM and the industry and supported NSTM's plan for different exhibitions with various industries. Our analysis also reveals that the public is supportive and expects such kind of cooperation between museums and industries. Besides, our experience in planning the exhibition for ”Instant Noodles” indicates that there are expectations from the industry. For example, the contents should be professional and accurate in order to present a good image of the industry. The exhibition should not mislead the visitors to see it as a commercial display for the industry. The visitors' written comments reveal that this kind of cooperation mode is considered similar to the industry-university cooperation which is a common trend for universities in Taiwan. Such kind of cooperation mode has been considered as the Third Academic Revolution in advanced countries. It can be inferred that the cooperation between museums and industries would continue to flourish. Should museums play the role of a communication bridge between the industries and the public or an endorsement channel for the industries? It requires diligent efforts from museums to address this question.


Hudson, K.、徐純譯(2003)。有影響力的博物館。屏東:國立海洋生物博物館。


