  • 期刊


Research of Evaluation on Effectiveness of Exhibits: Taking "2007 Science Season-Taiwan's Amazing Transformation in Science and Technology" Special Exhibition in NSTM as an Example



2006年及2007年科學季,國科會均以較大規模之主題策劃特展,內容範圍廣泛多元,並強調運用高科技、高互動、多感官的展示手法。特展中有龐大的資訊量,也有許多互動的遊戲與炫目的多媒體技術,的確帶給觀眾許多新奇的感覺及娛樂的價值。但如此量體的展示內容,是否帶給觀眾學習上的壓力?在高互動、娛樂性的展示手法背後,觀眾真正學到了什麼?有鑑於此,特於工博館2007年科學季展出期間,進行該特展之展示效果評量研究。 本研究以質化研究方法為主,量化研究方法為輔,主要係透過焦點團體訪談會議與問卷調查進行評量。焦點團體的部分,邀請學者專家、家庭觀眾及學生團體三類人員,進行訪談會議,藉以瞭解觀眾對特展之滿意度與收穫度,並探討展示空間、展示內容及展示手法等之適切性;問卷調查部份,則以現場隨機方式發放參觀民眾填答,回收後以SPSS應用程式進行統計分析。 研究結果發現,2007科學季的特展不管在主題規模的訂定、展示內容的多寡深淺、展示空間的配置、以及展示手法的運用等,都仍然有許多努力的空間。儘管博物館的展示有許多兩難,但展示規劃設計者必須衡量各個客觀因素,以展示目的及觀眾為核心思考,在利害得失之間做最適切的選擇,以解決展示的問題。本研究提供了科學季改善展示的努力方向,呈現展示評量之重要價值與功能,也期盼這樣的研究可以作為國科會及工博館未來策劃特展之參考。


National Science Council (NSC) planned the special exhibition themes of science season with larger scale in 2006 and 2007. The scopes of content are wide and diverse, and the exhibition techniques emphasize high technology, high interaction and multi-sense. There are a lot of information, as well as many interactive plays with multimedia. They truly bring lots of new feeling and value of entertainment. But, would it be a heavy burden on the audience with such volume of information? What do the audience really learn behind high interactive and entertaining techniques? Therefore, research of evaluation on effectiveness of exhibits was taken during the period of the exhibition. This research used quality analyses mainly, and quantity analyses as assistance. The evaluation was taken through the meetings of focus group and questionnaires. For the focus group meetings, scholars and experts, family groups, and students were invited to know the degrees of their satisfaction and gain, as well as the appropriateness of exhibition space, content, and technique. For the questionnaires, sheets were given randomly to visitors to answer in site, and were taken back to analyze data with SPSS application program. The results revealed that there was still more effort needed no matter in the decision making of theme scale, the volumes of content, the arrangement of space, and the applications of technique. In spite of lots of dilemmas in the museum exhibit, the planning designers must evaluate all the objective factors and consider the purposes of exhibition and the audience to make appropriate choices and solve the problems of exhibit between the gain and loss. This research proposed directions to improve exhibition, and presented the value and function of evaluation. It was hoped that the research could be as good references for the exhibition planning in the future.


