  • 期刊


A Study on The Great Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo and the Contents of Death in Scientific Research


科學的死亡內容在醫學、哲學、社會學與死亡教育等各學科的研究上,已有一定的發展研究成果,安寧療護醫療納入醫療體制與生命教育受到重視之後,死亡的問題也因此由隱而顯地被公開探討與引入學術研究,並試圖建構生死學的現代理論基礎。各學科注入生命關懷架構之後,死亡本質的迷思、瀕死者的見光經驗、臨終病患經歷的幻象、生死教育的教材內容等,由現有的研究與成果當中,發現仍有許多令人對死亡本身無法窺知之憾。 密宗《中陰大聞解脫》卷當中,對亡者在不定狀態的中陰階段,為令其獲得解脫而進行中陰超度,其間對死亡內容有極其詳盡教導。尤其是「死亡光明」等內容的說明,不僅提供瀕死經驗諸多落實的立論,更對「死亡本質」與死亡研究內容開展出審思之空間。


Scientific studies of death have been undertaken in medicine, philosophy, sociology and thanatology for a long time. As the problems of death are being noticed in hospice care and life education, they also become a topic of academic studies. These studies constitute the foundation of modern theory of life and death. On this foundation we study subjects such as the essence of death, the experiences of seeing light and images of a dying person and the contents of life and death. However, something is still missing with regard to the secret of death. The Tibetan Book of the Dead-The Great Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo is a classic scripture of Tibetan Buddhism. It helps dying people to attain liberation, especially through the clear light of void in their journey of death. It also reveals death and rebirth as a process that provides an opportunity for modern scholars to recognize the true nature of mind.


Sogyal, Rinpoche(1994).The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying.New York:Harper Collins Publishers, Inc..
