  • 期刊


Encounter, Understanding and Falling in Love with Transcendental Being -An Epistemological Approach


本文一開始先從郎尼根(Bernard Lonergan, 1904-1984)哲學發展出來之「超驗法」與「自我超越」的觀點出發,我們的目標乃是考察以理性思維肯定超越者存在的合理性與可理解性;其次,討論存有的各種容貌,試圖澄清「存有」、「適性存有」與「超驗的存有」等存有等級。其後,分析由於人類求知欲的無限性與認知的有限性,以此說明神性超越者存在是一合理的推知。第四,本文提出人類渴求一位終極的神可能不只是主觀的期待,而更是一種對神聖「召喚」的回應。本文認為,正是因為這種雙向的互動,讓人性存有者與超越存有者得以相遇。最後,我們討論了與此超越神產生聯繫與建立恆長的關係的可能性。本文結論指出,與此獨一無二的超越神產生聯繫並進而「相愛」(fall in love)不惟可能,更與真理追求、價值實現,以及人在宇宙中的定位息息相關。


In the beginning of this article, I start with the notions of ”transcendental method” and ”self-transcendence” which were developed by Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984). Our purpose here is to explore if we can reasonably and intelligibly affirm the existence of a transcendental being, with arguments based on our rational thinking. Then, I discuss various notions of being, attempting to clarify the relative order of ”being”, ”proportionate being” and ”transcendental being”. Third, we suggest that while human beings possess an unrestricted desire to know, their actual knowing is limited and thus, we can extrapolate the existence of a transcendental God. Fourth, I suggest in this paper that the reason we pursue the ultimate, which is God, arises not only from a subjective expectancy but also may be a response to a ”call” from the divine. It is because of this dual relationship, that human beings can approach the transcendental being. Finally, we discuss the possibility of establishing an eternal relationship to this transcendental God. In conclusion, I suggest that it is not only possible to make contact with the unique transcendent God, and in a real sense to fall in love, but also that it is significant and relevant for every human being to realize a truth-pursuing, value-realizing and orientation in the universe.
