  • 期刊


The Changed and the Reserved among Hong Kong Fisherman Christians' Self-identity-A Case Study on Believers of Hong Kong Ap Lei Chau Harbor Missionary Society


二十世紀初的香港接納了大量移民,他們當中的部分人經歷了移民-漁民-漁民基督徒這樣的外在身分變化。與此同時,這些漁民基督徒經歷了焦慮、反思、身分尋覓、文化選擇和群體認同種種環節,最終從民間宗教信仰者這一自我認同轉向了基督徒身分的自我認同中。本文試圖用吉登斯(Anthony Giddens)的自我認同理論去詮釋香港漁民基督徒在自我認同構建中所體現出來的「變」與「恆」。在現代性背景下,漂泊個體的自我認同受內在的反思所推動,處於變化的構建過程中,但連續性的「本體安全」貫穿其中,這是自我認同裡「不變」的部分。本文主要分為五部分進行論述:第一部分為文獻綜述與理論基礎闡釋;第二部分為研究方法與研究物件介紹;第三部分為漁民基督徒「家族vs.福音vs.教會」的互動關係的探討,意在闡述漁民基督徒自我認同轉變中的「恆」;第四部分主要以「身分vs.選擇vs.認同」為內容導向闡述他們在文化層面上實現自我認同轉變的過程,意在闡釋自我認同之「變」;第五部分為結語。


漁民 基督徒 自我認同


In the early 20th century Hong Kong has accepted a large number of immigrants; some of them experienced the identity change from immigrant to fishermen, and finally to fishermen Christian. At the same time, for their inner part, they suffered the transformation of self-identity. When passing through all aspects of the whole process-the anxiety, reflection, looking for identity, cultural selection and group identity-they ultimately turned to the Christian identity of the self-identity from folk religions believers.This paper aims to interpret the changed and the reserved among Hong Kong Fishermen's Christian self-identity building through Giddens' self-identity theory. In the context of modernity, wandering individuals driven by internal reflection, kept self-identity in the change process, during which the continuity of ”ontological security” ran through as permanent constitute of self-identity. This article is divided into five parts. The first part is the literature review and theoretical interpretation; the second part is an introduction of research methods and the object of study; the third part, based on the interaction between family, Gospel, and Church, tries to explain the fishermen Christian self-identity's ”constant” in the transition; the fourth part illustrates the process of self-identity change at the cultural level, aiming at the interpretation of self-identity's change. And the fifth part is the conclusion.


fisherman Christian self-identity


Constable, Nicole(1994).Christian Souls and Chinese Spirits: A Hakka Community in Hong Kong.Berkeley:University of California Press.
Hall, Stuart(1992).The Question of Cultural Identity, Modernity and Its Future.Open University Press.
