  • 期刊


The Ideas of Holy War in "the Old Testament": General & Particular Meanings





聖戰 舊約 滅絕淨盡 基督宗教


The discussion of the concept of ”Holy war” has become a hot topic from 911. The academics paid more research attention on the idea of holy war of Islam than Christianity. However, the concept of Christian holy war is quite complex, too. ”The Old Testament” and ”the New Testament” records for war and peace are obviously different, even with the relevant concepts and forms of the ”sacred” holy war also different. This paper attempts to make ”the Old Testament” form of holy war in two segments: ”General holy war” and ”exceptional holy war.” General holy war refers to all sacred wars with sacred purposes in which the divine one involves himself, and Israelis show their loyalty to the divine one; exceptional holy war is based on the Hebrew word ”herem,” representing sacred wars of ”extinct” and ”totally destroyed” type. It is a specially extermination order for other local ethnic groups when Israelis entered into the land of Canaan. This paper not only summarizes the two kinds of holy war in the biblical text content, but represents the practical significance and religious significance of these two holy war forms.


Holy war the Old Testament herem Christianity


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