  • 期刊

On Fethullah Gülen's Ideology of Interfaith Dialogue between Muslims and Christians

穆斯林與基督教徒之關係:法圖拉.菊稜(Fethullah Gülen)之跨信仰對話理念


本論文試圖針對法圖拉.菊稜(Fethullah Gülen)對穆斯林與基督教徒不同信仰之間對話的相關思想,作一深入的研究。伊斯蘭與天主教的思想起源相似,由此共同點觀之,兩者之間在和平共處與相互合作方面,有著非常高的可行性。本文第一部分將分別以穆斯林與天主教徒的角度,簡述兩者於歷史上的關係。因為惟有了解一個宗教的歷史源由,才能更加理解該宗教的面貌及其社會情狀。第二部分闡述菊稜對於寬容、接納與對話的看法。對話是以人為主軸,菊稜對接納與對話的領會,主要源自古蘭經(Qur'an)與先知穆罕默德的聖訓(Sunnah)。第三部分探討菊稜對於不同宗教間對話的理解。菊稜曾言,我們必須放下過去、擱置爭議,聚焦於各個宗教所共有的價值,穆斯林與天主教徒不需要忙於爭論。最後一個部分探討穆斯林與天主教徒之間對話的障礙,並介紹近數十年間已創設的對話之「線」,以及為數更多的對話之「點」。


This paper aims to examine Fethullah Gülen's ideology on Muslim-Christian interfaith dialogue. Islam and Christianity are similar in their ideologies and origins, and peaceful coexistence and cooperation between the two are quite possible. One would think that due to the commonalities found in both Christianity and Islam the two faiths would share acceptance of one another. The first part delineates a brief history of Muslim-Christian relations, as one can better comprehend a religion and its religious community if one understands its historical genesis. The second section describes Gülen's views on tolerance, acceptance, and dialogue. Dialogue, then, has the human person as its axis. Gülen derives his understanding of acceptance and dialogue mainly from the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. Part three examines Gülen's understanding of interfaith dialogue. Gülen remarks that Muslims must forget the past, ignore polemics, and focus on what the various religions have in common. Muslims and Christians don't need to engage in polemics. The final section explores some of the barriers to interfaith dialogue on the part of Muslims and Christians, suggesting that in recent decades we have created more dots of dialogue than lines.


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