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Inborn Extraordinary Power: Survey of 200 Taiwan Spirit Mediums



Although rich and various qualitative studies of Taiwan spirit mediums have been conducted, none provides quantitative details about these observations. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to survey Taiwan spirit mediums about specific information such as age, gender, etc. A questionnaire-based quantitative approach was used to collect data from an initial 200 participants. After eliminating 43 incomplete questionnaires, 157 participants successfully entered this initial, robust research. The questionnaire included nine items: gender, age, nationality, years of experience, number of disciples, job titles, names of main deities, whether sense power was inborn, and whether sense power was acquired or trained. Although some results contradicted previous qualitative studies, they clarified current mediums’ characteristics and explored their power source. For example, the gender of approved Taiwan spirit mediums was not mostly female, as was previously considered. Additionally, the response of 47 different deities not only indicated a diversified sample, but also affirmed the trend of "Mother Deity faith" in spirit mediums. More importantly, 142 (91.7%) participants asserted that their extraordinary power was totally or possibly inborn, which demonstrates that the inborn power is an important factor in their special and irreplaceable power. This study concluded that the inborn power is a key and indispensable characteristic for Taiwan spirit mediums, and therefore brings all the psychic movement for sentient beings’ wholeness of personality.




靈乩 通靈 民間信仰 先天神能


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