  • 期刊


From Bilingualism to Biculturalism: The Chinese-English Bilingual Poetry of Singapore




Bilingual poetry that uses both Chinese and English is still uncommon even in a bi-/multi-lingual society like Singapore, and is seldom analyzed on its own in the past. However, this literary form has great potential for development. This paper intends to bring to light, in its strict definition (that is, using both languages in one poem), the bilingual poetry in the Chinese and English literature of Singapore. From the linguistic level of Chinese-English writing to the deeper levels and characteristics of the significance, content, style, musicality, etc., this paper hopes to study the bicultural significance of bilingual poetry in Singapore's literature. While bicultural literature is not necessarily presented in two languages, bilingual presentation is certainly a plus to underline the integration and interaction, contradiction and counteraction, and mutual intensification of Eastern-Western cultures in bicultural literature.


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Fulcrum – an annual of poetry and aesthetics (USA), No. 1, "A Map of English-language Poetry," seen in http://www.postcolonialweb.org/singapore/literature/poetry/ayap/10.html ,2002 (2013 年3 月25 日).
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